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News — altar work

St. Raymond Altar Service: Stop Gossip, Court Case, Peaceful Home, Employment

altar work court case employment peaceful home st. raymond stop gossip

St. Raymond Altar Service: Stop Gossip, Court Case, Peaceful Home, Employment

This work begins the night of August 31, the feast day of St. Raymond Nonnatus, but there is some wiggle room and you absolutely can book late, as long as you see slots still available. St. Raymond Nonnatus gets his name — which means the not-born — by virtue of his being delivered by C-section. Considering this happened in the early 13th century, it was quite an unusual event (and doubtless quite grisly), but his poor mother died in childbirth and this was the only way Raymond could be saved. This is where his patronage of pregnant women, childbirth, midwives, and babies comes...

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Upcoming Community Spiritual Services

altar work community altar work honey jars st. clare st. martha st. philomena

Upcoming Community Spiritual Services

The St. Martha service started on July 29th, but there are several modes of work available as part of this service, and most of them can be booked at any point during the month. There are some Pay What You Can options, too. August honey jars for prosperity/career/income and for love/relationships start on Monday, August 9th. As usual, the prosperity/income jar has Pay What You Can options. I’m still working on recovering photos from when I blew up my Google Drive – somehow some folder exploded all over my desktop or something, or maybe i just accidentally copied *everything* to my desktop – I’m not really...

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August Love/Relationship Community Honey Jar

altar work community altar work honey jars love spells

August Love/Relationship Community Honey Jar

Work begins the evening of Monday, August 9th. However, there is a little wiggle room and you can join up late as long as you still see spots available. This service, focusing on goals related to love, affection, friendship, and relationships, has your name/petition added to a sweet jar with the names/petitions of other community members having similar goals. I work these community jars on my altars for a month, from (just after the) new moon to new moon, with special attention to pertinent moon phases, astrological transits, holy days, etc. as applicable. Participants receive a link to my client calendar detailing the work...

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May community honey jar services start tonight (with a PWYC option)

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May community honey jar services start tonight (with a PWYC option)

Sorry to get this reminder out so late, but it’s been raining heavily again, and rain at Seraphin Station usually means no reliable internet at Seraphin Station, sigh…   Anyway, as usual, I’m doing one honey jar for issues related to relationships (and they don’t have to be romantic relationships) and another for prosperity/career/income. Since COVID has brought such massive change and instability to so many people’s lives and and income situations, I’ve been offering the prosperity honey jar as a pay-what-you-can service. Work starts tonight, the 12th, but there is a little wiggle room and you can join up late as long...

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Pay What You Can Community Honey Jar for February

altar work honey jar news

I’m offering community honey jar altar work monthly, beginning after the new moon each month. One service is for matters relating to prosperity/career/income and one is for matters relating to love/relationships (they don’t have to be romantic relationships). February’s community altar work services start the night of Friday, February 12th. There is some wiggle room, however, and you *can* join up late. Since the costs of the time and materials involved in this altar service are split between multiple participants, this is a way to get some altar work done at a fraction of the cost of booking separate, individual...

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