News — conjure
Lucky Charm Hoodoo Rosary
conjure conjure art folk magic handmade hoodoo hoodoo rosaries jewelry
Day at the office
altar work conjure cyprian folk catholicism folk saints hoodoo rootwork sorcery st. cyprian
Cut-up Technique with Carolina Dean
conjure hoodoo hoodoo education hoodoo history hoodoo petition hoodoo theory hoodoo tricks petition spell work

This is a petition paper crafted by Carolina Dean using the cut-up technique that I’ve been meaning to bring y’all’s attention to. He’s done quite a few of them but this is the one that caught my attention at first and prompted me to ask if I could quote and use it as an example. I love this so much, as a rootworker and as a former literature professor. I think the technique is really powerful on a number of levels. Of course it’s a petition/prayer and depending on how you structure it, an affirmation. And the construction of a...
Sacred Heart with Thorns Nicho Altar Ornament
altar art altars art catholic iconography catholicism conjure conjure art folk art folk catholicism folk religion nichos ornaments sacred art sacred heart

Hand-cut, hammered, and shaped ornament is made with reclaimed tinplate framing this tiny print reproduction of an antique holy card featuring the Sacred Heart. After filing and sanding sharp corners and edges, I embellished it from my stash of vintage, antique, and/or reclaimed fabrics, metals, beads, and trims, including resin rhinestones, vintage lace, a satin rose, a vintage plastic faceted heart charm in a brass frame, and a tiny little curl of dried vine for the crown of thorns. Available at Seraphin Station.