News — road opener
Keys & Crossroads: St. Peter Service begins June 29th
altar work community altar work crossroads keys overcoming obstacles road opener road opening saint peter st. peter

St. Peter is an enormously popular saint who is called on for all kinds of things.He was appointed by Christ as the first pope of the church, and the keys signify his authority as its first prelate and the authority of the church to bind and loose — basically to open and close the gates of heaven. This is essentially what gives the church the authority to administer the sacrament of reconciliation and thus forgive sins, opening the gates to heaven for the penitent. He’s an ally when you need a road or doorway opened (or closed!), and he’s the...
Keys & Crossroads: Feast of St. Peter Road Opening Service - June 29th
community altar work road opener road opening st. peter

St. Peter is an enormously popular saint who is called on for all kinds of things. He's an ally when you need a road or doorway opened (or closed!), and he's the patron of locksmiths and popes. He's called on by leaders and by anyone who needs discernment, wisdom, courage, and/or clarity of insight, especially when at a figurative crossroads. His reputation for removing obstacles and opening roads towards your goals is legendary, and he can be an ally in nearly any situation where someone is metaphorically doing some gatekeeping and trying to keep you out. He can help you...
The Blue Charm: Rustic Hoodoo Amulet Necklace
ancestors blessing charms clairvoyance clarity dreaming true handmade insight jewelry luck memory money protection psychic vision road opener safe travel scapulars talismans wisdom

For this amulet necklace, I’ve basically deconstructed a classic rural Southern-style conjure bag, aka a mojo or toby, and made jewelry out of it.This is backwoods conjure the way it used to be. It’s miles away from the shiny city general store with imported spices and soaps and fabrics. This is the part of the country where floorwash is made with chamber lye, not ammonia and certainly not Florida Water. New curtains come from recycled worn-out clothes, and those clothes come from recycled flour and feed sacks.Old barn and field gear provides tiny scraps of leather. Copper, brass, and steel...