News — luck
June Saint of the Month: Sacred Heart of Jesus
blessing influence luck peace peaceful home reconciliation sacred heart saint of the month saint of the month box

Last Friday was the Feast of the Sacred Heart. I wrote this post on Friday but didn’t manage to actually, er, post it :) Anyway, that feast is dedicated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, so familiar a symbol that even non-Catholics tend to recognize it. Usually pictured as a flaming heart crowned with thorns, and often featuring a cross and a wound and/or droplets of blood, the Sacred Heart is a symbol of Jesus’ patient and eternal love and compassion for humanity. Devotion to the Sacred Heart is often practiced to obtain grace, mercy, a peaceful home, consolation in grief, blessings, compassion, and...
St. Expedite Service Begins April 19th
altar work blockbuster change luck community altar work fast luck good luck luck patron saints road opening st. expedite

Lights will be set and offerings will be made starting the night of Tuesday, April 19th. There is some wiggle room and you can join up after the work starts as long as you see that there are still spots left and it doesn’t say “sold out.” Have a glass-encased vigil light fixed, dressed, blessed, set on my St. Expedite altar, and burned for you in a community altar work service for this famed and beloved patron saint of fast results. St. Expedite’s feast day is April 19th, and while you can petition him any day of the year, you might be...
Jupiter conjunct Neptune in Pisces: The Universe Speaks
attract good luck change luck creativity divination good luck inspiration intuition jupiter jupiter in pisces luck lucky stars make it happen neptune

Jupiter and Neptune co-rule Pisces, and their meeting up together in that sign is a rarity. The last time Jupiter was conjunct Neptune in Pisces was in 1856, the year Nikola Tesla, Booker T. Washington, Sigmund Freud, L. Frank Baum, John Singer Sargent, George Bernard Shaw, and Robert Peary were born. As a free supplement to the fourth and final phase of the Lucky Stars Sweet Jar service going on now, I’m setting lights on it today to make the most of this transit for the service participants. (If you’d like to have a light and petition set for this, you...
Lucky Stars Sweet Jar service, phase 2 + February community honey jars
altar work good luck honey jar honey jars jupiter love luck lucky stars Pisces prosperity prosperity jar relationship work success sweet jar sweetening work

Phase 2 of the Lucky Stars Sweet Jar service for Jupiter in Pisces is now underway. There are pay-what-you-can options because, well, life has honestly just been *insane* the past couple of years, this is an amazing extended “good luck” transit, and if money’s a little tight because that’s where your luck has taken a beating lately, please feel free to book the reduced rate option; that’s what it’s there for. February honey jars for prosperity/success and love/relationships start tonight. There are pay-what-you-can options for the prosperity/success jar, too. Participants are invited to a private Discord server where I’ll post photos and...
How to Attract Good Luck
attract good luck attraction change luck charms church of good luck good luck good luck charms luck lucky charms

In How to Attract Good Luck: Four Secrets Backed by Research, Eric Barker covers the findings of psychologist Richard Wiseman on bad luck, good luck, and whether we have any control over any of it. Some of the findings may surprise you, no matter where you are along the spectrum between the cold, hard, and empirical and the warm, fuzzy, and woo-woo. A few takeaway bits: Some people do tend to be luckier than others, but we *can* change our luck. And believing that is a critical component of “being lucky.” Other components include these: Taking chances and trying new things. Acting on...