News — sacred heart
Peaceful Home Sneaky Trick
folk catholicism hoodoo education hoodoo tricks sacred heart sneaky tricks southern catholicism
Another review of St. Expedite booklet
booklet patron saints sacred heart saint expedite saint of the month saint of the month box saints st. expedite working with saints

Thanks for the review, Taylor! And you know I want to hear all about those “crazy things” and how you work with St. Expedite in your region and in your personal practice :) To delve into your own St. Expedite craziness, pick up a copy of my St. Expedite booklet at Seraphin Station. Want a similar book of Catholic conjure on working with the Sacred Heart of Jesus? You can still get the June Saint of the Month Box, which will come with my new booklet on the Sacred Heart.
June Saint of the Month: Sacred Heart of Jesus
blessing influence luck peace peaceful home reconciliation sacred heart saint of the month saint of the month box

Last Friday was the Feast of the Sacred Heart. I wrote this post on Friday but didn’t manage to actually, er, post it :) Anyway, that feast is dedicated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, so familiar a symbol that even non-Catholics tend to recognize it. Usually pictured as a flaming heart crowned with thorns, and often featuring a cross and a wound and/or droplets of blood, the Sacred Heart is a symbol of Jesus’ patient and eternal love and compassion for humanity. Devotion to the Sacred Heart is often practiced to obtain grace, mercy, a peaceful home, consolation in grief, blessings, compassion, and...
Sacred Heart with Thorns Nicho Altar Ornament
altar art altars art catholic iconography catholicism conjure conjure art folk art folk catholicism folk religion nichos ornaments sacred art sacred heart

Hand-cut, hammered, and shaped ornament is made with reclaimed tinplate framing this tiny print reproduction of an antique holy card featuring the Sacred Heart. After filing and sanding sharp corners and edges, I embellished it from my stash of vintage, antique, and/or reclaimed fabrics, metals, beads, and trims, including resin rhinestones, vintage lace, a satin rose, a vintage plastic faceted heart charm in a brass frame, and a tiny little curl of dried vine for the crown of thorns. Available at Seraphin Station.
Quick Little Catholic Iconography Lesson
art bs spotted on pinterest catholic iconography iconography immaculate heart jesus religion sacred heart virgin mary
Ok, the Pinterest Pedant strikes again. Mary does not have a Sacred Heart. Mary has an Immaculate Heart. This is the Immaculate Heart of Mary: sword, flames, roses. No thorns. This is the Sacred Heart. Only Jesus has a Sacred Heart. Thorns, not roses. Pierced, but with a spear, not a sword. Flames but note the cross in the midst of them. Occasionally the Sacred Heart will be pierced by an arrow instead. This has to do with an idea that we wound Christ with blasphemy and profaning the Sabbath. The Golden Arrow Prayer said in reparation is said to...