The St. Martha service started on July 29th, but there are several modes of work available as part of this service, and most of them can be booked at any point during the month. There are some Pay What You Can options, too.
August honey jars for prosperity/career/income and for love/relationships start on Monday, August 9th. As usual, the prosperity/income jar has Pay What You Can options.
I’m still working on recovering photos from when I blew up my Google Drive – somehow some folder exploded all over my desktop or something, or maybe i just accidentally copied *everything* to my desktop – I’m not really sure – but I’m still working on cleaning up that mess. But as I locate and identify stuff, I’m getting the Discord server/relevant clients as applicable updated with their photos/reports/etc. So if you haven’t visited the server in a while because I hadn’t posted a damn thing to it lol, I’m getting caught up there :)