News — plants
Spiderwort, status update
garden plants rootwork status update
Partridge berry / squawvine
Smilax rotundifolia
hoodoo education native plants plants
Foraging for Beautyberry
beautyberry hoodoo education hoodoo tricks plants rootwork rootwork education
Adam & Eve Root: Rant + a Crash Course in Corms
adam and eve adam and eve root orchid plants psa root rootwork education

Cover image adapted from Corms by Gerrit Davidse, CC by NC SA. Breaking with my usual practice, I am NOT going to cite this source, because the whole point of this post is how incredibly freakin’ stupid it is, and in any case, what we have here is one plant-ignorant person posing as an expert and printing bullshit who has copied this misinformation from some other plant-ignorant person posing as an expert, so it’s a whole serpent-eating-its-own-tail type of mess and there’s definitely not a single guilty party to point to as an originator. [1] And my goal here is not mockery...