News — victory
New Moon in Pisces: Forward Momentum (March 2-7)
altar work astrology charisma community altar work forward momentum health jupiter jupiter in pisces personal growth Pisces safe travel self realization sex appeal spiritual growh success victory wealth

For this upcoming New Moon in Pisces and the days immediately following, there is a *hell of a lot going on.* The Sun and the Moon are conjunct Jupiter and Neptune, the co-rulers of Pisces. This is really pretty special and makes this an *excellent* New Moon for spiritual/magical work. But that’s not all – Mars, Venus, and Pluto will be conjunct in Capricorn the following day, and Mercury and Saturn will be conjunct in Aquarius. It’s a HUGE party and *everybody* is showing up (well, except Uranus – he’s too busy being conjunct the North Node in Taurus to socialize right now). As if...
Cor Leonis Community Altar Service + Talisman — for courage, victory, recognition, stamina, healing, power shifts
community altar work cor leonis courage healing leo power stamina talisman victory

Yes, Saturn’s been in Aquarius for a while now. This isn’t new. And it will be there into 2023. And it’s been all stompy and cranky with the lockdowns and restrictions and quarantines. But we just had a major, stellar full moon, astrologically speaking (forgive the pun), with the moon in Aquarius conjunct beneficent Jupiter and making actually ZERO hard or negative aspects for just a few hours. Pretty rare lineup of lovely, really. Talked about it in the client forum a bit if you missed it. And right now, the sun’s conjunct Regulus, one of the so-called Fixed Stars, the brightest one in...