News — clarity
Commitment to Vision: Sun Conjunct Saturn Service Starts Tonight
clarity declutter mastery saturn success sun conjunct saturn

While Saturn might be characterized as a stern schoolmaster and is often associated with restriction, it’s also the planet of hard work, discipline, patience, and mastery. Saturn can bring hardship, hard lessons, and insecurity. But Saturn can also bring recognition and achievement. It all depends on how attentive you’ve been to Saturn’s lessons and how diligent you’ve been with your commitments and responsibilities. What’s This For? The Sun is conjunct Saturn just once a year, and I like to think of this as an annual opportunity to take stock, reflect on how things have been going, and adjust fire if needed....
Slaying Dragons: Mars in Scorpio Community Altar Service (Oct 31-Dec 13)
altar work bravery clarity courage focus mars mars in scorpio slaying dragons strength

My internet has been complete garbage the past couple of days, so I’m late posting this to various social media spots, for which I apologize! Mars takes two years to make its journey around the sun, and as the planet of drive and action, it’s often described in terms related to the archetypal hero’s journey – the knight sets forth, has adventures, slays a dragon and all, and ultimately returns home different, having gained or learned something or grown in some way. This two-year cycle began anew earlier in October when the sun conjoined Mars on October 7th. Then the sun entered...
The Blue Charm: Rustic Hoodoo Amulet Necklace
ancestors blessing charms clairvoyance clarity dreaming true handmade insight jewelry luck memory money protection psychic vision road opener safe travel scapulars talismans wisdom

For this amulet necklace, I’ve basically deconstructed a classic rural Southern-style conjure bag, aka a mojo or toby, and made jewelry out of it.This is backwoods conjure the way it used to be. It’s miles away from the shiny city general store with imported spices and soaps and fabrics. This is the part of the country where floorwash is made with chamber lye, not ammonia and certainly not Florida Water. New curtains come from recycled worn-out clothes, and those clothes come from recycled flour and feed sacks.Old barn and field gear provides tiny scraps of leather. Copper, brass, and steel...