News — client education
Quote of the Day
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Don’t be a spiritual fuckboi. Chiron Armand
Flannel “Law Keep Away” Charm vs. Busted Tail Light “Law Attracting” Charm
client education law keep away psa self-sabotage
Pro tip: the drawing power of the Busted Tail Light Law Attracting Charm is generally stronger than the protection power of the flannel Law Keep Away charm. If you’re going to bother with a Law Keep Away charm, slow your roll for a minute and make sure you’re not also carrying something that can negate or overpower it. In addition to the Busted Tail Light, that includes the following Law Attracting charms, amulets, and words of power: the “Non-functional Tag Light” charm the “IDK When to Shut My Mouth” chant the “I Hang Out With Stupid MFers” talisman the Subwoofer...
on love binding spells (just gonna leave this here)
client education hoodoo education love love binding love spells reconciliation return a lover
Just stumbled upon The AfroMystic's article "4 Reasons Why 'Binding' a Lover to Yourself is Not Smart." I'm glad she wrote this. Now I don't have to. But it needs to be said. Out loud. Regularly. Now I know not everybody sees eye-to-eye on all the finer points and nuances of potential situations where things like Binding and Intranquility and such get brought up a lot. I don't necessarily see eye-to-eye with all of my colleagues about every single nuance of this stuff and vice versa. And I absolutely allow that not everybody from every culture, society, or country has...
Response to an email asking me to “prove I’m for real”
advice altar work client education etiquette frauds principles of magic pro bono work questions you've asked scams services

…Or why legit workers aren’t even slightly interested in doing Psychic Pet Tricks for free to convince you to be their client, and what you should do instead of playing Test the Psychic. See this blog post in its original context here.Q: I was wondering if there was a way you could help me to prove you are genuine by maybe stating something about me that i have not told you. I want help, but I am tired of encountering all these fake psychics when i search.A: [Name], what you need to do is not search but *research.*There is a...
questions you’ve asked: dressing vs. drowning candles, cinnamon, BS spotted on Pinterest
alum bs spotted on pinterest cinnamon client education come to me customer info hoodoo formulas hoodoo theory lavender lemon love drawing pins questions you've asked setting lights stfu
Q: Not a real question but a PSA on dressing candles.Y’all got some real pretty dressed candles on Instagram and Pinterest, folks. Some of y’all got some real pretty big ole fire hazards up on Instagram and Pinterest. Look, those big old chunks of rose petal and various herbs look really nice for the camera, but that shit is a straight up fire hazard and it’s interfering with your candle work. The candle cannot do what it’s supposed to do when you choke it out with huge globs of herbs. Y’all don’t need to be playing like that, especially not...