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News — altar work

Community Altar Work for January

altar work honey jars

I’m offering community honey jar altar work monthly, beginning after the new moon each month. One service is for matters relating to prosperity/career/income and one is for matters relating to love/relationships (they don’t have to be romantic relationships). January’s community altar work services start on Wednesday, January 13th. Here are the details for the prosperity/career/income service: This service, focusing on goals related to prosperity, work, income, and career success, has your name/petition added to a sweet jar with the names/petitions of other community members having similar goals. I work these community jars on my altars for a month, from new moon to new moon, with special attention to...

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community honey jar for December; communication speed; Martha Stewart’s infernal contraptions

altar work crafting adventures status

I sliced my right index finger open and the cut is pretty short but also pretty deep (for being on a fingertip anyway), and it’s slowing me down on pretty much everything, especially typing. So I’ve been moving at glacial speed, but I am moving. What’s funny is that I didn’t do this with a kitchen knife or a machete or any gardening implements, and I didn’t do it working with tinplate or metal flashing or barbed wire or aviation snips or any of the other sharp and often unwieldy things I deal with every single day. Nope, I did it while...

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Prosperity Community Honey Jar: PWYC November

altar work

This service, focusing on goals related to prosperity, work, income, and career, has your name/petition added to a sweet jar with the names/petitions of other community members having similar goals.

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Response to an email asking me to “prove I’m for real”

advice altar work client education etiquette frauds principles of magic pro bono work questions you've asked scams services

Response to an email asking me to “prove I’m for real”

…Or why legit workers aren’t even slightly interested in doing Psychic Pet Tricks for free to convince you to be their client, and what you should do instead of playing Test the Psychic. See this blog post in its original context here.Q: I was wondering if there was a way you could help me to prove you are genuine by maybe stating something about me that i have not told you. I want help, but I am tired of encountering all these fake psychics when i search.A: [Name], what you need to do is not search but *research.*There is a...

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services and stuff update, N.B. 2015 folks

2015 reparations altar work blessing cleansing consultations customer info florida water karma zain clients & customers peace water preservatives product news services spiritual supplies

Oils and Other Formulas I’ve been able to order some essential oils and herbs and they should be getting here any minute now. So I’m getting pretty close to being good to go on a full range of regular condition/dressing oil formulas. Same with common bath/floorwash crystal mixtures, and this will enable me to make a decent range of mojo bags and pakets, too. It’ll probably be a minute before I’ll be able to have a dozen of every type of whole root in my cabinets ready to go on a moment’s notice — who knew it then, but those...

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