News — overcoming obstacles
Keys & Crossroads: St. Peter Service begins June 29th
altar work community altar work crossroads keys overcoming obstacles road opener road opening saint peter st. peter

St. Peter is an enormously popular saint who is called on for all kinds of things.He was appointed by Christ as the first pope of the church, and the keys signify his authority as its first prelate and the authority of the church to bind and loose — basically to open and close the gates of heaven. This is essentially what gives the church the authority to administer the sacrament of reconciliation and thus forgive sins, opening the gates to heaven for the penitent. He’s an ally when you need a road or doorway opened (or closed!), and he’s the...
May 2022 Saint of the Month Box
courage defeating enemies empowerment joan of arc overcoming obstacles saint joan saint of the month strength

Saint of the month for May 2022 is St. Joan a.k.a Joan of Arc. "The Maid of New Orleans" is invoked for courage, personal empowerment, spiritual power, resilience, overcoming obstacles, and defeating one’s enemies. She's the patron saint of military servicemembers (especially female ones), prisoners, and people ridiculed for their faith. Her feast day is May 30th. Looking to spruce up your altars, add to your chaplet or holy card collection, or just learn more about saints and spirits in folk Catholicism? The Saint of the Month box gets you a hand-picked and handmade bundle of saints’ goodies selected for you and shipped to...