News — health
Ss. Cosmas and Damian Healing Service begins July 1st
altar work community altar work healing health lwa miracles patron saints saints spiritual cleansing spiritual healing uncrossing working with saints

Have a vigil light fixed, blessed, dressed, and set on my altar for Saints Cosmas and Damian for petitions related to health and healing, both physical and spiritual, casting off evil, removal of crossed conditions, and protection from plague and other illness. Cosmas and Damian were twin brothers who were practicing physicians in the 3rd century and treated their patients at no charge, hence their title of “unmercenary” or “silverless.” They have different feast days within different churches and denominations, and in the Orthodox church, in fact, there are considered to be three distinct sets of saints named Cosmas and...
New Moon in Pisces: Forward Momentum (March 2-7)
altar work astrology charisma community altar work forward momentum health jupiter jupiter in pisces personal growth Pisces safe travel self realization sex appeal spiritual growh success victory wealth

For this upcoming New Moon in Pisces and the days immediately following, there is a *hell of a lot going on.* The Sun and the Moon are conjunct Jupiter and Neptune, the co-rulers of Pisces. This is really pretty special and makes this an *excellent* New Moon for spiritual/magical work. But that’s not all – Mars, Venus, and Pluto will be conjunct in Capricorn the following day, and Mercury and Saturn will be conjunct in Aquarius. It’s a HUGE party and *everybody* is showing up (well, except Uranus – he’s too busy being conjunct the North Node in Taurus to socialize right now). As if...