News — conjureman ali
From Thelema to Santa Muerte (and round one vs. the academic myth of the “Anglo-American occult audience”)
anthropology of religion catholicism conjureman ali cultural criticism folk catholicism fredrik gregorius hadean press hoodoo latin american culture literary criticism llewellyn manon hedenborg white paganism rootwork santa muerte santisima muerte witchcraft world religions and spirituality project

Reminder: this site reposts selections from the main blog. For the most up to date and complete news, follow the main blog instead. From World Religions and Spirituality Project, here’s an interview with Manon Hedenborg White, author of The Eloquent Blood: The Goddess Babalon and the Construction of Femininities in Western Esotericism (Oxford University Press, 2020) and co-author with Fredrik Gregorius of “The Scythe and the Pentagram: Santa Muerte from Folk Catholicism to Occultism” (Religions 8:1, 2017). I think a few different segments of folks who wander by here might find this worth a look. I had originally intended to stop this blog post at the...