News — santisima muerte
Santa Muerte rosary necklace
handmade jewelry rosaries santa muerte santisima muerte
From Thelema to Santa Muerte (and round one vs. the academic myth of the “Anglo-American occult audience”)
anthropology of religion catholicism conjureman ali cultural criticism folk catholicism fredrik gregorius hadean press hoodoo latin american culture literary criticism llewellyn manon hedenborg white paganism rootwork santa muerte santisima muerte witchcraft world religions and spirituality project

Reminder: this site reposts selections from the main blog. For the most up to date and complete news, follow the main blog instead. From World Religions and Spirituality Project, here’s an interview with Manon Hedenborg White, author of The Eloquent Blood: The Goddess Babalon and the Construction of Femininities in Western Esotericism (Oxford University Press, 2020) and co-author with Fredrik Gregorius of “The Scythe and the Pentagram: Santa Muerte from Folk Catholicism to Occultism” (Religions 8:1, 2017). I think a few different segments of folks who wander by here might find this worth a look. I had originally intended to stop this blog post at the...
Why Santa Muerte and Jesus Malverde Are Not Just “Narco Saints”
art folk catholicism folk religion jesus malverde latin american culture narco saints santisima muerte
I can’t count the number of references I’ve seen over the past 15 or so years to Santa Muerte being a “narco saint,” with the implication (or even the straight-up assertion) that she’s a saint for drug dealers, boom, like that’s the whole picture. This kind of statement is incredibly reductionist and oversimplified. It ignores nuance, never mind facts, and it betrays a lack of respect for the (sub)culture(s) from which she springs and a total lack of concern for understanding folk religion – in Mexico or in general. Seriously, it’s insulting and dismissive even if you *are* a drug...
New jewelry: Santisima Muerte rosary chaplet necklace
chaplets jewelry necklaces product news rosaries santisima muerte

Now available at Seraphin Station.
Santisima Muerte, pt. 1
religious appropriation santisima muerte

This will be in progress for a while, but I figured I could start organizing the stuff that’s already on the blog somewhere so folks can get to it from a single “directory” page instead of a list of scattered links.Turns out I’m gonna have to do this in multiple sittings/sessions, though, and honestly that’s just as well, because that will give me a chance to solicit the input of some folks who *didn’t* just spend four years offline living under a rock like I did. So they are in a better position to comment on some of the more...