News — clairvoyance
The Blue Charm: Rustic Hoodoo Amulet Necklace
ancestors blessing charms clairvoyance clarity dreaming true handmade insight jewelry luck memory money protection psychic vision road opener safe travel scapulars talismans wisdom

For this amulet necklace, I’ve basically deconstructed a classic rural Southern-style conjure bag, aka a mojo or toby, and made jewelry out of it.This is backwoods conjure the way it used to be. It’s miles away from the shiny city general store with imported spices and soaps and fabrics. This is the part of the country where floorwash is made with chamber lye, not ammonia and certainly not Florida Water. New curtains come from recycled worn-out clothes, and those clothes come from recycled flour and feed sacks.Old barn and field gear provides tiny scraps of leather. Copper, brass, and steel...
St. Lucy Chaplet Bracelet
bracelets chaplets clairvoyance discernment folk catholicism folk magic jewelry psychic vision saint lucy st. lucy wisdom

This one of a kind chaplet bracelet is handmade with 5mm sapphire-blue glass beads, an ornate crucifix with a bronze-toned antiqued patina imported from Italy, a silver milagro imported from Mexico, and a holy medal of St. Lucy handpainted in bright and durable enamels. St. Lucy is petitioned for all kinds of things related to vision and light. She's the patron saint of the blind and also of electricians, and her devotees call on her when they need to see more clearly, whether literally or figuratively. By extension, she's considered a protector against the evil eye, can be called on...