News — reconciliation
June Saint of the Month: Sacred Heart of Jesus
blessing influence luck peace peaceful home reconciliation sacred heart saint of the month saint of the month box

Last Friday was the Feast of the Sacred Heart. I wrote this post on Friday but didn’t manage to actually, er, post it :) Anyway, that feast is dedicated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, so familiar a symbol that even non-Catholics tend to recognize it. Usually pictured as a flaming heart crowned with thorns, and often featuring a cross and a wound and/or droplets of blood, the Sacred Heart is a symbol of Jesus’ patient and eternal love and compassion for humanity. Devotion to the Sacred Heart is often practiced to obtain grace, mercy, a peaceful home, consolation in grief, blessings, compassion, and...
on love binding spells (just gonna leave this here)
client education hoodoo education love love binding love spells reconciliation return a lover
Just stumbled upon The AfroMystic's article "4 Reasons Why 'Binding' a Lover to Yourself is Not Smart." I'm glad she wrote this. Now I don't have to. But it needs to be said. Out loud. Regularly. Now I know not everybody sees eye-to-eye on all the finer points and nuances of potential situations where things like Binding and Intranquility and such get brought up a lot. I don't necessarily see eye-to-eye with all of my colleagues about every single nuance of this stuff and vice versa. And I absolutely allow that not everybody from every culture, society, or country has...