News — st. joseph
St. Joseph service starts tonight
altar work community altar work st. joseph

Have a glass-encased vigil light fixed, dressed, blessed, set on my St. Joseph altar, and burned for you in a community light setting and prayer service beginning on St. Joseph’s feast day. My daily hands-on altar work for this service includes the recitation of the Chaplet of St. Joseph, during which I include the specific names and petitions you submit for the service. Service begins the night of Tuesday, March 19th. There is some wiggle room and you can join up after the work starts as long as you see that there are still spots left and it doesn’t say “sold out.” St....
Current & Upcoming Services
honey jars jesus malverde mercury remediation prosperity jar protection relationship work ritual services saint expedite services st. expedite st. joseph st. joseph the worker upcoming services
Current & Upcoming Services I can’t get my software to play nice so I can make an updated photo/graphic of altar work services. I’m gonna have to try again tomorrow. But here’s a list for now of what’s ongoing/upcoming: Relationship honey jar – April 24 – May 19 Prosperity/Success honey jar – April 24 – May 19 Mercury RX remediation – April 21 – May 14 St. Expedite service – April 19 – April 25 St. Joseph the Worker service – May 1 – May 9 Jesus Malverde service – May 3 – May 9 Protection/Reversing service – May 6 – Jun 1
St. Joseph the Worker Community Vigil & Novena Service
community altar work employment get a job intercession of saints patron saints saints st. joseph st. joseph the worker steady work unemployment

Have vigil lights set and worked on my St. Joseph altar in a nine-day community altar work service beginning on Saturday, May 1st, the feast day of St. Joseph the Worker. I will begin a nine-day novena and chaplet recitation to St. Joseph on this same day, focused on petitioning his intercession for the unemployed, the underemployed, those whose income is unreliable or unpredictable, and those struggling to find dignity in their work. Your petition/intention will be included daily in my novena and chaplet work. You do not have to book a spot in the vigil service in order to have your name...
St. Joseph Community Light Setting Service
community altar work light settings st. joseph

St. Joseph's intercession is sought to help with all kinds of matters relating to home, family, and jobs/business. He can be called upon to help you sell your house, help you remodel, and to help carpenters and others who work with their hands. He's particularly known for going to bat for fathers, though he absolutely is an ally for mothers as well (and speaking as someone who was a single mother with sole custody for 18 years who never received a cent of child support, if you're wearing all the parenting hats at once, St. Joseph is definitely your friend...
St. Martha, from Gospel Figure to Medieval Legend to La Dominadora: Sources, Resources, and FAQs
art honey jars household woes housekeeping hyatt literary analysis madame lindsey medieval legends medieval manuscripts monsters peaceful home products religion rootwork education saints st. joseph st. martha sweetening work