News — prosperity
Lucky Stars Sweet Jar service, phase 2 + February community honey jars
altar work good luck honey jar honey jars jupiter love luck lucky stars Pisces prosperity prosperity jar relationship work success sweet jar sweetening work

Phase 2 of the Lucky Stars Sweet Jar service for Jupiter in Pisces is now underway. There are pay-what-you-can options because, well, life has honestly just been *insane* the past couple of years, this is an amazing extended “good luck” transit, and if money’s a little tight because that’s where your luck has taken a beating lately, please feel free to book the reduced rate option; that’s what it’s there for. February honey jars for prosperity/success and love/relationships start tonight. There are pay-what-you-can options for the prosperity/success jar, too. Participants are invited to a private Discord server where I’ll post photos and...
Current and Upcoming Community Altar Services
altar work community altar work lucky stars prosperity prosperity jar protection relationship work reversing saint lucy spell work sweet jar

Lots of radio silence lately due to dealing with some chicken issues; getting hit with a round of bot signups I have been learning how to deal with and clean up; the learning curves on the latest apps and integrations to figure out how to make communication channels and order processing as bulletproof as possible; and trying to get caught up on the backlog resulting from communication channels and order processing NOT being bulletproof as of yet. But monthly community altar services for relationships, prosperity, and protection/reversing are still ongoing, and there are still Pay What You Can options for some of...
Saint of the Month: St. Martin of Tours / San Martin Caballero
alcoholism change luck gambling job seeking luck poverty prosperity protection saint of the month saint of the month box San Martin Caballero St. Martin of Tours

November’s saint for the Saint of the Month Box is St. Martin of Tours, aka San Martin Caballero, whose feast day in the Roman Catholic calendar is November 11th. He was a 4th century bishop in Tours but had once been a soldier, and this is how he’s almost always pictured in the art of Western Christendom – a soldier on horseback cutting his cloak in half to clothe a beggar. He had a reputation for miracles even while he was still living, and he was one of the first non-martyred saints to be venerated so widely. Officially, he’s the patron saint...
September honey jar services
career community altar work honey jar honey jars income pay what you can prosperity

September community honey jar work starts tonight. As usual, the community jar for prosperity/income/career has a Pay What You Can option. Bonus rewards points also applicable until midnight Central. Learn more or book now at Seraphin Station.
July Prosperity Community Honey Jar: Pay What You Can
community altar work honey jar pay what you can prosperity

*If you are booking more than one service, or if you're purchasing tangible items in addition to booking services, please check out with each service separately if at all possible. It really makes my life a lot easier if one service = one order number and vice versa. Work begins Monday, July 12th. However, there is a little wiggle room and you can join up late as long as you still see spots available. This service, focusing on goals related to prosperity, work, income, and career success, has your name/petition added to a sweet jar with the names/petitions of other...