News — intercession of saints
St. Michael Niner Chaplet Bracelet, Hand-painted Medal
angels archangels catholicism chaplets communion of saints folk catholicism intercession of saints niners ontology patron saints product news rosaries saints st. michael

This one of a kind chaplet bracelet is handmade with 5mm ruby red glass beads, an ornate crucifix with a bronze-toned antiqued patina imported from Italy, a chain extension and lobster clasp if you want to wear it or secure it around a statue or rearview mirror, and a holy medal of St. Michael handpainted in bright and durable enamels. The saintly protector par excellence, Michael is called on to defend against dangers both spiritual and physical and from enemies both known and unknown. Unclasped, this chaplet’s length from end to end is 8.75″. Will fit a 7.5″ wrist, but I’m...
St. Joseph the Worker Community Vigil & Novena Service
community altar work employment get a job intercession of saints patron saints saints st. joseph st. joseph the worker steady work unemployment

Have vigil lights set and worked on my St. Joseph altar in a nine-day community altar work service beginning on Saturday, May 1st, the feast day of St. Joseph the Worker. I will begin a nine-day novena and chaplet recitation to St. Joseph on this same day, focused on petitioning his intercession for the unemployed, the underemployed, those whose income is unreliable or unpredictable, and those struggling to find dignity in their work. Your petition/intention will be included daily in my novena and chaplet work. You do not have to book a spot in the vigil service in order to have your name...
When Angels Are Saints and Saints Are Angels
ancestors angelology angels canonization catholicism communion of saints cosmology folk catholicism folk religion hoodoo theory intercession of saints mystical body of church ontology purgatory religion saints st. michael st. thomas aquinas theology
I very frequently see folks online say things like this: “Though technically speaking Archangel Michael is not a Saint [sic], sometimes this entity is venerated as one.” I’m not linking to the source for that because my goal is not to single anyone out for being wrong. Thing is, this is not an uncommon misperception. It’s pretty easy to find multiple websites and blogs that say something to this effect – even those of folks who are otherwise pretty well-versed in folk religion and/or folk magic. If this were just a couple of blogs and not a pretty widespread point...