News — monsters
Red Eyes (and Black Dogs and Water Spirits)
black dogs conjure in fiction crossroads draugr fairy tales family mythology family narrative florida folklore ghost stories haints iceland jacksonville mississippi monsters old red eyes pensacola personal mythology rawhead and bloody bones sackabilly shapeshifters st. rumbold the unquiet dead

[This was originally posted in 2019 on my personal blog that’s mostly about family history projects. I’m reposting it here because it references a few things that might be of interest to some of y’all.] [Remember, this blog here at the shop address is a mirror / backup of the real Seraphin Station blog here. Visit there comment, ask questions, get responses, interact with others, see useful and interesting links and resources, and/or read all the blog posts, not just the highlights I repost here.] Red Eyes was one of my great-grandmother Mae’s stories to scare the crap out of children...
St. Martha, from Gospel Figure to Medieval Legend to La Dominadora: Sources, Resources, and FAQs
art honey jars household woes housekeeping hyatt literary analysis madame lindsey medieval legends medieval manuscripts monsters peaceful home products religion rootwork education saints st. joseph st. martha sweetening work