News — saint expedite
St. Expedite service starts Friday
altar work community altar work folk catholicism folk saints saint expedite st. expedite
Current & Upcoming Services
honey jars jesus malverde mercury remediation prosperity jar protection relationship work ritual services saint expedite services st. expedite st. joseph st. joseph the worker upcoming services
Current & Upcoming Services I can’t get my software to play nice so I can make an updated photo/graphic of altar work services. I’m gonna have to try again tomorrow. But here’s a list for now of what’s ongoing/upcoming: Relationship honey jar – April 24 – May 19 Prosperity/Success honey jar – April 24 – May 19 Mercury RX remediation – April 21 – May 14 St. Expedite service – April 19 – April 25 St. Joseph the Worker service – May 1 – May 9 Jesus Malverde service – May 3 – May 9 Protection/Reversing service – May 6 – Jun 1
Another review of St. Expedite booklet
booklet patron saints sacred heart saint expedite saint of the month saint of the month box saints st. expedite working with saints

Thanks for the review, Taylor! And you know I want to hear all about those “crazy things” and how you work with St. Expedite in your region and in your personal practice :) To delve into your own St. Expedite craziness, pick up a copy of my St. Expedite booklet at Seraphin Station. Want a similar book of Catholic conjure on working with the Sacred Heart of Jesus? You can still get the June Saint of the Month Box, which will come with my new booklet on the Sacred Heart.
Review of my new St. Expedite booklet
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Well, I am super happy to be getting feedback from both experienced practitioners and folks who are new to working with the saints, saying that they found useful and/or interesting stuff in my new St. Expedite booklet. Thanks, creepmouse! I know I didn’t do a perfect job of explaining things to an audience new to working with saints, and I’m already aware of a couple of gaps I could fill in a second printing (or just a second booklet, possibly, since this one is pushing the envelope on “pamphlet” at 24 pages long). But I set out to contribute some...