News — healing
Ss. Cosmas and Damian Healing Service begins July 1st
altar work community altar work healing health lwa miracles patron saints saints spiritual cleansing spiritual healing uncrossing working with saints

Have a vigil light fixed, blessed, dressed, and set on my altar for Saints Cosmas and Damian for petitions related to health and healing, both physical and spiritual, casting off evil, removal of crossed conditions, and protection from plague and other illness. Cosmas and Damian were twin brothers who were practicing physicians in the 3rd century and treated their patients at no charge, hence their title of “unmercenary” or “silverless.” They have different feast days within different churches and denominations, and in the Orthodox church, in fact, there are considered to be three distinct sets of saints named Cosmas and...
14 Holy Helpers Oil + 15% off Blessing/Healing, Protection, Saint formulas, 2 days only
blessing childbirth folk medicine fourteen holy helpers healing medieval christianity medieval legends mental illness nightmare panic pets plague products safe travel sales and specials

The Fourteen Holy Helpers are saints or holy figures who were petitioned in medieval Europe during the terror of the Black Death. Also known as the "auxiliary saints," they were called on as a group for protection from a variety of illnesses and troubles that would strike both people and animals. Their popularity continues to this day. While you will occasionally see variations in a few of the names depending on region, the "standard" 14 Holy Helpers and their particular areas of specialty are as follows: Agathius - headache, agonizing pain Barbara - fever, sudden death, fire Blaise - illnesses of...
Water of Life Oil
angels biblical oils esoteric healing peace prophecy remove curses reviews reviews and testimonials water of life

I’m publishing this review because, yeah, it’s a great review, but this isn’t purely self serving! What’s so cool here is they took time to explain how they use it, what particular effects they’ve seen, what their experience has been, and how they suggest people new to the formula consider using it. This is especially valuable with a formula like Water of Life, which is an original biblical/esoteric oil rather than a traditional hoodoo formula, so there isn’t a whole body of already-existing knowledge and tradition and lore surrounding it and its usage. So this kind of first-hand feedback is extra...
Cor Leonis Community Altar Service + Talisman — for courage, victory, recognition, stamina, healing, power shifts
community altar work cor leonis courage healing leo power stamina talisman victory

Yes, Saturn’s been in Aquarius for a while now. This isn’t new. And it will be there into 2023. And it’s been all stompy and cranky with the lockdowns and restrictions and quarantines. But we just had a major, stellar full moon, astrologically speaking (forgive the pun), with the moon in Aquarius conjunct beneficent Jupiter and making actually ZERO hard or negative aspects for just a few hours. Pretty rare lineup of lovely, really. Talked about it in the client forum a bit if you missed it. And right now, the sun’s conjunct Regulus, one of the so-called Fixed Stars, the brightest one in...
New Zodiac Series Oils
astrology blessing healing new product news spiritual oils spiritual supplies
Zodiac Series Oils at Seraphin Station. Also new (in the sense that I just now got around to listing them): Boss Fix , Exodus Oil, More Than Conquerors Oil, All Saints, Chrysalis, Healing.