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Herb List

This is a listing of the herbs I have available at least sometimes and what they are used for. I'm listing things as I have time, and this is a work in progress that will probably change constantly.

I focus on providing herbs and curios that I grow or forage myself or that I can source through my network so that I know they've been harvested sustainably and without destructive, wasteful monoculture farming practices that deplete the soil and put the microclimate out of balance. That means most of what I offer here will be available in my region, but I will sometimes list things that grow in other regions if they're hard to get and I happen to obtain some, or if a source in my network has a good deal on something (or I can only get it in really large quantities) and I buy a little bit more than I usually would.

Some of these you won't find in published sources on hoodoo, and in some cases they might not have much written about their magical uses at all, anywhere. People have historically worked with what they had in their regions and microclimates, and the knowledge was passed down in the oral tradition. They didn't always know where it came from. They also didn't always get to pass it down and so sometimes it just plain got lost. Only a fraction of the regionally-specific lore about herbs and curios in American folk magic has ever been gathered into one place, under one cover or one URL. 

I use hoodoo rootwork correspondences for the herbs in the overwhelming majority of my products, most of which would be familiar to a modern-day worker no matter where they lived. Where I live and grew up on the Gulf Coast, though, we have a pretty big range of influences, traditions, paradigms, and ingredients. Culture, history, biome, and geography mean that there are some things we might do just a little differently down here. In many cases, it just isn't realistic to expect to be able to slot everything into neat categories with firm boundaries and say "this is Cajun" and "this is from Mexican herblore" and things like that. But in cases where I have some info or ideas about that kind of thing, I'll be providing that in more extended profiles as I'm able to write them up in my notes towards A Bayou Hoodoo Herbal.

Please note that my herbs are not prepared in a commercial kitchen and are not packaged/sold as food items. They are intended for spiritual use in incenses, oils, altar work, etc., not for human consumption.

To see the herbs currently available, click here.

 (*) denotes an herb that should be used or handled with caution 

Herb List


Agrimonia eupatoria

Uncrossing, reversing, protection, better retail sales.


(Wax Myrtle, Arbol de la Cera, Cirier)

Morella cerifera (L.) Small

Drawing and holding on to money;
lucky; healing. Strengthens established relationships and subtly enhances likability.


Rubus spp.

Protective, strengthening.
Reverse evil and return to sender, prevent theft, ward off illness and restore strength.

Black Walnut  Anti-fertility, jinxing, severing emotional ties, keeping someone at a distance. Something of a spiritual antiseptic and vermifuge.

Blueberry leaves

Vaccinium cyanococcus spp.

Protecting, affecting emotions, strengthening. Inflict or dispel sadness and grief per your intention and target. Ward off illness and spiritual imbalance; regain strength after stress.

Butterfly weed

(Milkweed, pleurisy root)

Asclepias spp.

Compelling; protective; strengthening. Repels pests from a designated space (sap); aids physical strength during challenging times (root).


Cinnamomum camphora 

Purifying, vibration raising. Used for spiritual cleansing, psychic vision, dreaming true, overcoming carnal distractions.
Cedar Benevolent influence, gentle commanding, strength, protection, spiritual cleansing.


Clover, red

Clover, white

(Shamrock,White shamrock)
Trifolium repens
Protective, lucky, clearing.
Used for uncrossing and jinx-killing,
to clear away negativity, protect from evil,
and draw good luck.
Coral Bean

Dittany of Crete

Origanum dictamnus

Used for love, healing, psychic vision, visible manifestation of spirits, astral projection.
Fig leaves
Grape Vine & Leaves 
Honeysuckle Vine & Leaves



Joe Pye Weed

(Gravel root)

Success, luck, and money drawing. Used to draw love (root) and money, especially when related to work (root, leaves) and gambling (root, flowers). Subtly increases your influence.
Lemon balm


(Groundsel bush, sea myrtle)

Baccharis halimifolia


Master of the Woods

(Sweet Woodruff)

Galium odorata

Commanding, ruling, strength, mastery. Use to persuade others, overcome an adversary, persevere through tiring conditions.

Mojo Beans

(St. Joseph's Beans, Wishing Beans)

Black Mustard Seed
White Mustard Seed

Pokeweed (*)

Phytolacca americana

Used for uncrossing, cleansing, healing unnatural illnesses, protection, driving away enemies.

Rabbit Tobacco

Raspberry leaves
Rattlesnake Weed


Ruta graveolens

Protective, cleansing, clarifying, uncrossing.
Used to remove and reverse spells and crossed conditions, protect against evil eye, attract money, dispel evil spirits.


Salvia officinalis

Wisdom-enhancing, purifying, protective. Imparts strength and discernment, esp. to women. Used for spiritual and physical well-being, business success, cleansing negativity.
Sage, Lyreleaf

Sage, Pineapple

Salvia elegans

Use like sage esp. when a situation or person needs calming down. Add to love blends for true, lasting, patient, and affectionate love.
Sage, Scarlet

Sampson Snake Root

Echinacea purpurea

Gain strength; inspire respect; restore or enhance male nature. Draw love, enhance sex appeal and performance. Boost strength of spells.


(greenbriers, catbriers, sarsaparilla, la chaspare)

Smilax spp.

Used to draw happiness, money, health (root mostly). Love (vine and leaves), binding and reversing (vine and thorns).
Sweetgum Controlling, crossing, and compelling (living wood), calming and peace (inner bark, resin), uplifting and purifying (inner bark, resin), curing unnatural illness (various) and uncrossing (mostly root bark), protection (seedpods)
Yarrow Courage and strength; divination



Herb Blend List

Custom Blend
Fiery Wall of Protection
Love Drawing
Road Opener