News — etiquette
New Updates to Shipping/Handling and other policies
customer info etiquette FAQs psa
Here’s my latest attempt to make this as clear as possible and stave off reading comprehension problems. International Shipping *Due to importation laws that place an undue administrative and financial burden on very small e-commerce businesses, I can no longer ship to Poland, Slovakia, Germany, France, Greece, Spain, or Lithuania.* Handling Times If your order contains: Handling time is: 0 custom items 14 days 1 custom item 25 days 2 custom items 40 days 3 custom items 55 days etc. Please note: I do custom work. This is not Amazon. I handle every aspect of your order myself. I do not...
Just a friendly reminder/recap…

Just a friendly reminder/recap of info outlined in the FAQ, the contact page, and the order confirmation email you get when you check out :) I’m happy to talk with folks generally about goods, services, custom work, ideas, ingredients, high weirdness, all kinds of things, pretty much wherever you catch me. But once you’ve placed an order or booked a service, I need you to follow the directions, please :) Social media/Discord/Messenger etc. is not a VIP line to customer service. If Sonia or I need to look something up in the database in order to answer your question or you’re asking...
Response to an email asking me to “prove I’m for real”
advice altar work client education etiquette frauds principles of magic pro bono work questions you've asked scams services

…Or why legit workers aren’t even slightly interested in doing Psychic Pet Tricks for free to convince you to be their client, and what you should do instead of playing Test the Psychic. See this blog post in its original context here.Q: I was wondering if there was a way you could help me to prove you are genuine by maybe stating something about me that i have not told you. I want help, but I am tired of encountering all these fake psychics when i search.A: [Name], what you need to do is not search but *research.*There is a...