News — love spells
August Love/Relationship Community Honey Jar
altar work community altar work honey jars love spells

Work begins the evening of Monday, August 9th. However, there is a little wiggle room and you can join up late as long as you still see spots available. This service, focusing on goals related to love, affection, friendship, and relationships, has your name/petition added to a sweet jar with the names/petitions of other community members having similar goals. I work these community jars on my altars for a month, from (just after the) new moon to new moon, with special attention to pertinent moon phases, astrological transits, holy days, etc. as applicable. Participants receive a link to my client calendar detailing the work...
on love binding spells (just gonna leave this here)
client education hoodoo education love love binding love spells reconciliation return a lover
Just stumbled upon The AfroMystic's article "4 Reasons Why 'Binding' a Lover to Yourself is Not Smart." I'm glad she wrote this. Now I don't have to. But it needs to be said. Out loud. Regularly. Now I know not everybody sees eye-to-eye on all the finer points and nuances of potential situations where things like Binding and Intranquility and such get brought up a lot. I don't necessarily see eye-to-eye with all of my colleagues about every single nuance of this stuff and vice versa. And I absolutely allow that not everybody from every culture, society, or country has...