News — country living
Farewell to Dickhead Joe
chickens country living dickhead joe

Despite his name, he was the best rooster we’ve ever had, and we’ve had a few. He was the last of the original flock we inherited when we moved here. He deserved a longer life. We think it was some dogs “owned” by these shit-heads who live around here who let their dogs roam wherever they please 24/7. I didn’t catch them in the act, though. I was too late even though he wasn’t even 100 feet from my front door, just into the woodline. People suck. I don’t blame the dogs – I blame their people. We’re having a...
Hi Top and Glenn, the chihuahua of roosters
chickens country living farm frizzle chickens roosters status
I sat up all night with Hi Top. I was afraid if I didn’t, she’d die when I wasn’t looking. I can’t think of any metric by which she could be said to be doing well. She’s not doing well. I force fed her some homemade electrolyte solution a few times. Wasn’t prescribed by the vet but I think she’s probably only swallowing half her meds, if that, and I won’t repeat the smelly details on what’s going on with her – it’s in the last post if you’re interested – but there’s no way she’s not dehydrated. I’ve also...