News — purgatory
All Souls Vigil Service – Novena and Chaplet for the Dead and Ancestors – Nov. 2-10, 2023
all souls ancestors catholicism community altar work day of the dead folk catholicism purgatory services

Nine-day vigil, novena, and Chaplet for the Dead service. Have lights set and worked on my altar in a nine-day community altar service beginning the night of November 2nd, All Souls Day. There is some wiggle room and you can join up after the work starts as long as you see that there are still spots left and it doesn’t say “sold out.” Along with setting and working lights in the name of your loved one, I will perform a nine-day novena and daily recitation of the Chaplet of the Dead, with appropriate offerings, incense, and other materials. The Chaplet of the Dead is a four-decade rosary that includes prayers...
When Angels Are Saints and Saints Are Angels
ancestors angelology angels canonization catholicism communion of saints cosmology folk catholicism folk religion hoodoo theory intercession of saints mystical body of church ontology purgatory religion saints st. michael st. thomas aquinas theology
I very frequently see folks online say things like this: “Though technically speaking Archangel Michael is not a Saint [sic], sometimes this entity is venerated as one.” I’m not linking to the source for that because my goal is not to single anyone out for being wrong. Thing is, this is not an uncommon misperception. It’s pretty easy to find multiple websites and blogs that say something to this effect – even those of folks who are otherwise pretty well-versed in folk religion and/or folk magic. If this were just a couple of blogs and not a pretty widespread point...