News — instructions
Time For Another “No Jackasses” Sale!
assholes instructions sales & specials

Well, folks, it’s that time again – time for me to deny jackasses any more of my mental real estate. And my strategy for this these days is to instead celebrate and thank the customers and clients I have who aren’t jackasses and who understand that I’m a human being and not a spiritual vending machine. (Also, shout out to y’all who are smart enough to not piss off your rootworker ffs…) So I was nearly caught up with the shipping backlog from the epic trainwreck that my business relationship with the USPS has become, when right on cue somebody...
Updated spiritual bath info in Education/FAQ directory
customer info instructions products spiritual baths spiritual supplies
Those wanting hardcopy instructions for spiritual baths can now get them by downloading a PDF version at the Spiritual Baths page listed in the Rootwork Topics Index at the Big Lucky Hoodoo blog. I maintain a mirror page of that index here in the shop, as well. You can always get to it from the Education tab in the top menu. (The wordpress blogs will always have the most up to date info, though.) Here's a copy/paste of the Spiritual Baths page at Big Lucky Hoodoo: under construction; last update 8/27/20 Different workers in different regions may have some...