News — products
New at Seraphin Station: Guidance on choosing formulas
formulas hoodoo formulas news products
So far I have put together one of these quiz guide things, on money/success formulas. Feel free to play around with it and give me any feedback you have. I’ll be making one of these for every general area or “condition” eventually. Well, if y’all don’t think they suck lolHere’s where to start at the moment. Click the picture.
14 Holy Helpers Oil + 15% off Blessing/Healing, Protection, Saint formulas, 2 days only
blessing childbirth folk medicine fourteen holy helpers healing medieval christianity medieval legends mental illness nightmare panic pets plague products safe travel sales and specials

The Fourteen Holy Helpers are saints or holy figures who were petitioned in medieval Europe during the terror of the Black Death. Also known as the "auxiliary saints," they were called on as a group for protection from a variety of illnesses and troubles that would strike both people and animals. Their popularity continues to this day. While you will occasionally see variations in a few of the names depending on region, the "standard" 14 Holy Helpers and their particular areas of specialty are as follows: Agathius - headache, agonizing pain Barbara - fever, sudden death, fire Blaise - illnesses of...
Updated spiritual bath info in Education/FAQ directory
customer info instructions products spiritual baths spiritual supplies
Those wanting hardcopy instructions for spiritual baths can now get them by downloading a PDF version at the Spiritual Baths page listed in the Rootwork Topics Index at the Big Lucky Hoodoo blog. I maintain a mirror page of that index here in the shop, as well. You can always get to it from the Education tab in the top menu. (The wordpress blogs will always have the most up to date info, though.) Here's a copy/paste of the Spiritual Baths page at Big Lucky Hoodoo: under construction; last update 8/27/20 Different workers in different regions may have some...
Algiers Luck Oil
fast luck gambling luck product news products sex appeal spiritual supplies

Algiers is a regionally-specific old New Orleans style hoodoo formula designed to bring luck in both love and money. It was particularly favored by gamblers who planned to spend the night out getting lucky – in more ways than one.It still has an element of “fast” in it, ingredients-wise, but if Red Fast Luck clocks in at about 90 mph, Algiers comes in at a perhaps more dignified 70 or so. But when we want fast results, we can’t always expect deep and long-lasting ones, and when we want luck that sticks around for a while, we can’t always expect...
St. Martha, from Gospel Figure to Medieval Legend to La Dominadora: Sources, Resources, and FAQs
art honey jars household woes housekeeping hyatt literary analysis madame lindsey medieval legends medieval manuscripts monsters peaceful home products religion rootwork education saints st. joseph st. martha sweetening work