News — lwa
Ss. Cosmas and Damian Healing Service begins July 1st
altar work community altar work healing health lwa miracles patron saints saints spiritual cleansing spiritual healing uncrossing working with saints

Have a vigil light fixed, blessed, dressed, and set on my altar for Saints Cosmas and Damian for petitions related to health and healing, both physical and spiritual, casting off evil, removal of crossed conditions, and protection from plague and other illness. Cosmas and Damian were twin brothers who were practicing physicians in the 3rd century and treated their patients at no charge, hence their title of “unmercenary” or “silverless.” They have different feast days within different churches and denominations, and in the Orthodox church, in fact, there are considered to be three distinct sets of saints named Cosmas and...
Keys & Crossroads: Feast of St. Peter Road Opening Service
altar art community altar work crossroads legba lwa patron saints road opening saint peter saints working with saints

Have a light fixed, blessed, dressed, and set on my altar with your petition or prayer and worked in your name or the name of a loved one, in a community altar and prayer service beginning on June 29th, the feast day of St. Peter. St. Peter was appointed by Christ as the first pope of the church, and the keys signify his authority as its first prelate and the authority of the church to bind and loose — basically to open and close the gates of heaven. This is essentially what gives the church the authority to administer the sacrament of reconciliation...