News — psa
New Updates to Shipping/Handling and other policies
customer info etiquette FAQs psa
Here’s my latest attempt to make this as clear as possible and stave off reading comprehension problems. International Shipping *Due to importation laws that place an undue administrative and financial burden on very small e-commerce businesses, I can no longer ship to Poland, Slovakia, Germany, France, Greece, Spain, or Lithuania.* Handling Times If your order contains: Handling time is: 0 custom items 14 days 1 custom item 25 days 2 custom items 40 days 3 custom items 55 days etc. Please note: I do custom work. This is not Amazon. I handle every aspect of your order myself. I do not...
Mailing List/Newsletter
I have begun the process of revalidating the subscriber list, and newsletter emails should resume in July. You will probably get an email asking you to confirm your interest in receiving the newsletters by resubscribing to the list. These should go out over the next week or so. Newsletter subscriptions are now double opt-in, so new subscribers will get an email asking them to confirm that they do indeed want to subscribe. I’m really sorry for the extra step, but it’s just too crazy with the spambots and people forgetting they signed up or whatever. If you don’t often open my...
Just a friendly reminder/recap…

Just a friendly reminder/recap of info outlined in the FAQ, the contact page, and the order confirmation email you get when you check out :) I’m happy to talk with folks generally about goods, services, custom work, ideas, ingredients, high weirdness, all kinds of things, pretty much wherever you catch me. But once you’ve placed an order or booked a service, I need you to follow the directions, please :) Social media/Discord/Messenger etc. is not a VIP line to customer service. If Sonia or I need to look something up in the database in order to answer your question or you’re asking...
Public Service Announcement: Unsubscribing vs. Reporting Spam
Just for anybody who doesn’t know: If you sign up to receive emails from a company or person, reporting that email as spam is one of the shittiest things you can do. You wouldn’t believe the messes it causes. It prevents that company or person from communicating with you, but it also jeopardizes their ability to communicate with the people who do want the emails. If you no longer want to hear from the person or company, please just unsubscribe instead of labeling that email spam. If there’s a chance in hell you might have opted in to email and just forgotten,...
Adam & Eve Root: Rant + a Crash Course in Corms
adam and eve adam and eve root orchid plants psa root rootwork education

Cover image adapted from Corms by Gerrit Davidse, CC by NC SA. Breaking with my usual practice, I am NOT going to cite this source, because the whole point of this post is how incredibly freakin’ stupid it is, and in any case, what we have here is one plant-ignorant person posing as an expert and printing bullshit who has copied this misinformation from some other plant-ignorant person posing as an expert, so it’s a whole serpent-eating-its-own-tail type of mess and there’s definitely not a single guilty party to point to as an originator. [1] And my goal here is not mockery...