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No Jackasses (and Moving) Sale Extended
new product news sales & specials

I couldn’t get the code to take at Etsy the other day. I finally got it to work, so I extended the sale at the main site too. You can use the code at Etsy or through midnight Central on Saturday the 29th. What’s New at Seraphin Station: Working With St. Expedite – Approaches and Prayers, available either in hardcopy or as a digital download. It’s gotten some great reviews 22nd Lunar Mansion Talisman Venus in Pisces Talismanic Oil Mercury in Gemini Talismanic Oil Mercury in Gemini Talisman Hoodoo Oils Sampler Sets – some good deals here! and there’s a new reward in the Sovereign Rewards...
What's New 2/24/21
I've implemented flat rate shipping. Just about everything ships for $5 in the U.S. What doesn't ship for $5 ships for $10 (a few large, heavy, and fragile items). See the Shipping Rates page for details. I had a ton of info crammed into the collection page for Saints & Spirits, which meant you had to scroll way down before you could see the items listed, and if you were looking for info on saints and spirits, you wouldn't think to look there. I've reorganized to give that info its own page, called Saints, Spirits, & Hoodoo, and that should...
New Zodiac Series Oils
astrology blessing healing new product news spiritual oils spiritual supplies
Zodiac Series Oils at Seraphin Station. Also new (in the sense that I just now got around to listing them): Boss Fix , Exodus Oil, More Than Conquerors Oil, All Saints, Chrysalis, Healing.
Hoodoo Rootworker’s Seven-Way Rosary Chaplet - SOLD
gnostic vodou hoodoo rosaries new rosaries saints voodoo rosaries
Available through Seraphin Station, this rosary is handmade with a mix of pressed glass and Czech glass beads, each decade being separately attached to the center ring -- a finger rosary -- and embellished with a focal Pater bead of pressed glass, Czech glass, or in one case recycled sandcast glass. Whether you want to see this as a charm collection on a charm hanger displaying seven individual chaplets or single-decade rosaries, or as a sort of deconstructed All Saints' rosary for contemporary rootworkers, this is a striking and unusual piece created by a rootworker with over 35 years of...