Consultations for Advice/Coaching. You can book this service if you:
- are seeking advice about what spiritual work you should undertake for your situation
- want personalized, detailed suggestions or instructions about using products or doing your own work
- want a diagnosis on the likelihood of success for whatever conjure work you are currently performing or considering
Consultations for Rootwork Services/Case Assessment. You can book this service if you:
- want altar work beyond a mojo bag, light setting service, or spiritual first aid session
- want me to take your case as your rootworker
- want to know how much it would cost to have a certain type of altar work done
You can also book this service if you aren't sure whether you'd like to do your own work or hire a worker to perform it on your behalf. It's the same service either way - it's just the focus and discussion will change depending on what you want to do, so just mention in your intake form that you aren't sure and I'll know to go over several different options with you.
During the consultation, you'll explain what you've got going on and what you'd like to see change. I'll probably ask you a whole lot of questions. I'll assess your situation, performing appropriate divination, and then outline the type(s) of work I recommend and what the associated costs would be for the various options. (There's very little one-size-fits-all stuff with this work - everything is tailored and customized for you and the specifics of your case, so until I know those specifics, I can't quote you a price.)
Followup: Generally, you should not book the followup unless you've been told to. If your initial consultation branches out into another direction or avenue and you want to pursue it as well as your initial inquiry, you might need a followup consultation. Or if you feel you absolutely must have more of my time during the course of your altar work service than I am obligated to provide you per your contract for rootwork services, then I might tell you to book a followup. Either way, I would let you know if you needed to book this service.
Before You Book
- Be sure to read about Types of Altar Work before booking to understand how I work and what types of cases I do and do not take.
- Be familiar with the Terms of Service and Client Agreement, including the refund and cancellation policies.
- If you’re wondering how many people are ahead of you, check the current services queue.
- If you must have your consultation by a certain day/time, contact me before booking to confirm I can meet your needs. I may not be able to, and email bookings do not come with a set or guaranteed start/delivery date.
After You Book
When you book your service, you will receive an automated confirmation that lets you know your order has been received. It will have an order number like "S1225."
Once you've gotten that email and order number, go to the consultation intake form here, fill it out, and submit it. I'll be in touch when it's your turn in the queue.
Limits of Scope
One concern, working, or issue per consultation. If you are seeking guidance on more than one working or situation, you might need to book more than one consultation. Feel free to write first if you aren't sure.
Consultations vs. Readings
Though consultations may involve divination, they differ from standalone readings in that they are goal-oriented, targeted, have a narrow focus, and are meant to provide you with specific advice and practical remedies from a hoodoo perspective. A consultation won't give you an in-depth analysis of your relationship dynamic for the next few years or analyze which of several career choices are your best bet -- that's what readings are for. Consultations focus on things like what action you should consider taking on a spiritual level in order to achieve a stated goal.
Waiting Times and Queues for Services
Email consultations are done on a first-come, first-served basis. You are reserving a spot in line. I cannot tell you what date your consult will be "done" on, because they are more like conversations than distinct events. There's nearly always some back-and-forth involved.
The turnaround time generally ranges from 1-3 weeks. Turnaround times are estimates only. Sometimes the queue is shorter or longer and a consultation will be more or less involved and time-consuming than usual. You can check the current services queue at Big Lucky Hoodoo for a general idea of where you are in line, but if you must have your session completed by a certain date, you need to write me *before booking* to see if I can meet your needs or not.
Frequency/Amount of Communication: Limits
Emailing me to ask if it's done yet or to check how much longer it will be is a waste of your time and mine. When it's done, I'll send it to you. If I haven't sent it to you, it's not done :) Your booking does *not* come with a guaranteed delivery date and it does not come with play-by-play updates of how many people are ahead of you in line now. These "check-ins" and emails slow me down and annoy me, because every minute I spend answering emails like that is a minute I'm not working on the service you're writing to ask about.
If you send those kinds of emails, you will get a form letter response reminding you of the Terms of Service and Client Agreement and suggesting you check the current services queue at the blog for updates. If you do it a second time, you're virtually guaranteeing that I won't take your case. If you won't read and follow instructions while waiting for your consultation, you won't read and follow them while I'm doing your altar work. That could render my work a complete waste of my time and your money, so I'm likely to just refuse to take you on as a client if it looks like you're going to have a problem with details and/or directions.
Refusal of Service, Cancellations, and Refunds
I reserve the right to refuse service and refund purchase price at my sole discretion. See the Client Agreement for more information.
All sales and bookings are final. You are paying for the cost of my time, attention, and energy, so no refunds, adjustments, or cancellations are possible once I've devoted any time to your service, including reading/taking notes on all the information in your email, preparing your file with your astrological or other pertinent information, or responding in detail to a whole bunch of questions that need a lot of typing to answer.
Your booking of this service indicates your acceptance of the general Client Agreement and site Terms of Service. These include (but are not limited to) the following highlights: