News — services
New Year's Clearing and Blessing Service

On New Year’s Eve, billions of people will be counting down, focused on saying goodbye to the old and welcoming in the new, taking various actions to procure blessings and good luck for themselves and their loved ones, and then cheering and celebrating and wishing each other well for the new year. They may do it with more or less sincerity, more or less sobriety, more or less ritual, more or less introspection or resolve or concern for their neighbors, but even if a significant portion of these people could be said to just “go through the motions” on New...
St. Anthony Novena and Chaplet Service – June 13
community altar work services st. anthony

Have a light set on my St. Anthony altar with your petition or prayer in a community novena and chaplet prayer service beginning on June 13th. I will begin a nine-day novena and chaplet recitation to St. Anthony on this same day. Your petition/intention will be included daily in my novena and chaplet work and offerings of bread, water, wine, flowers, and incense. After the conclusion of the novena service, each participant will receive a “cured” St. Anthony holy card that was prayed over daily during the service. St. Anthony earned his reputation for finding lost things because he once lost his...
All Souls Vigil Service – Novena and Chaplet for the Dead and Ancestors – Nov. 2-10, 2023
all souls ancestors catholicism community altar work day of the dead folk catholicism purgatory services

Nine-day vigil, novena, and Chaplet for the Dead service. Have lights set and worked on my altar in a nine-day community altar service beginning the night of November 2nd, All Souls Day. There is some wiggle room and you can join up after the work starts as long as you see that there are still spots left and it doesn’t say “sold out.” Along with setting and working lights in the name of your loved one, I will perform a nine-day novena and daily recitation of the Chaplet of the Dead, with appropriate offerings, incense, and other materials. The Chaplet of the Dead is a four-decade rosary that includes prayers...
St. Benedict service

Posted on August 19, 2023 by Karma
Current & Upcoming Services
honey jars jesus malverde mercury remediation prosperity jar protection relationship work ritual services saint expedite services st. expedite st. joseph st. joseph the worker upcoming services
Current & Upcoming Services I can’t get my software to play nice so I can make an updated photo/graphic of altar work services. I’m gonna have to try again tomorrow. But here’s a list for now of what’s ongoing/upcoming: Relationship honey jar – April 24 – May 19 Prosperity/Success honey jar – April 24 – May 19 Mercury RX remediation – April 21 – May 14 St. Expedite service – April 19 – April 25 St. Joseph the Worker service – May 1 – May 9 Jesus Malverde service – May 3 – May 9 Protection/Reversing service – May 6 – Jun 1