News — louisiana folklife
Chicken foot charms pt 2
chicken feet folk magic folk medicine louisiana folklife
Chicken foot charms pt 3
chicken feet folk magic folk medicine louisiana folklife
Chicken foot charm aesthetics 1/3
chicken feet folk magic folk medicine louisiana folklife
Not every chicken foot charm - not even every Louisiana-specific chicken foot charm - matches the vibe that is probably most familiar to folks, the style that I am most often asked to make by clients and customers. Those tend to be focused on protection and reversing, come in bright or strong colors, and be festooned with shiny bits, feathers, and beads.But here's an example from Southeastern Louisiana focused more on spiritual cleansing, you could say, or you could even call it a sort of tool for the spiritual equivalent of climate control and air purification. It has a benevolent...
Status update
haphazard station louisiana louisiana folklife status status update
recent reading roundup: poison, atchafalaya ethnology, faith healing in Louisiana
alec sonnier anthropology archaeology atchafalaya basin bayou life cajun creole ethnic identities ethnology faith healing folk belief folk magic folk medicine folk religion folklore francophone culture gens de couleur libre iberia immigration julia swett louisiana louisiana folklife lower mississippi valley native american plaquemine culture point coupee poisons prayer religion slavery southern catholicism st. landry parish superstitions traiteurs
[Remember, this blog here at the shop address is a mirror / backup of the real Seraphin Station blog here. Visit there to comment, ask questions, get responses, interact with others, see useful and interesting links and resources, and/or read all the blog posts, not just the highlights I repost here.] photo credit jclk8888, Pixabay I don't have time to summarize anything right now, but I'm hoping if I leave this here, it'll spur me to do so later. James H. Diaz. Atlas of Human Poisoning and Envenoming, 2nd ed. Boca Raton: CRC Press, 2014. Hilda Roberts. "Louisiana Superstitions." Journal...