News — altar work
Keys & Crossroads: St. Peter Service begins June 29th
altar work community altar work crossroads keys overcoming obstacles road opener road opening saint peter st. peter

St. Peter is an enormously popular saint who is called on for all kinds of things.He was appointed by Christ as the first pope of the church, and the keys signify his authority as its first prelate and the authority of the church to bind and loose — basically to open and close the gates of heaven. This is essentially what gives the church the authority to administer the sacrament of reconciliation and thus forgive sins, opening the gates to heaven for the penitent. He’s an ally when you need a road or doorway opened (or closed!), and he’s the...
St. Expedite service starts Friday
altar work community altar work folk catholicism folk saints saint expedite st. expedite
St. Joseph service starts tonight
altar work community altar work st. joseph

Have a glass-encased vigil light fixed, dressed, blessed, set on my St. Joseph altar, and burned for you in a community light setting and prayer service beginning on St. Joseph’s feast day. My daily hands-on altar work for this service includes the recitation of the Chaplet of St. Joseph, during which I include the specific names and petitions you submit for the service. Service begins the night of Tuesday, March 19th. There is some wiggle room and you can join up after the work starts as long as you see that there are still spots left and it doesn’t say “sold out.” St....
New Year’s Clearing & Blessing Service
altar work community altar work

I don’t know about you, but I’ve had a *really rough* 2023. A lot of it was outside my control, and a lot went wrong even after I planned, researched, and prepared. It has definitely been a reminder lesson that sometimes the only thing I can control is how I respond, and mindset is such a huge factor in fostering and practicing resilience. I already knew this, of course, but it was like the universe decided I needed some Continuing Education Credits in the concept or something. And it’s probably true, because there was more than one occasion where I really thought...
St. Cyprian Service Starts Sunday, Sep. 17
altar work chaplets community altar work cyprian divination necromancy novena occult arts occult studies protection psychic vision spiritual cleansing st. cyprian uncrossing

Read more about St. Cyprian at Big Lucky Hoodoo. Have your petition set with a fixed, dressed, blessed light on my St. Cyprian altar for a nine-day novena, chaplet, and community altar service for the Cyprianic Holy Days, September 17-25. I’ve been working with St. Cyprian of Antioch for almost 20 years now, but until recently, there has been very little information – or material from any of the many grimoires attributed to him – available in English. The past few years have seen an explosion of interest and information across numerous “occult subcultures” and some really smart people translating, publishing, and talking...