News — working with saints
Another review of St. Expedite booklet
booklet patron saints sacred heart saint expedite saint of the month saint of the month box saints st. expedite working with saints

Thanks for the review, Taylor! And you know I want to hear all about those “crazy things” and how you work with St. Expedite in your region and in your personal practice :) To delve into your own St. Expedite craziness, pick up a copy of my St. Expedite booklet at Seraphin Station. Want a similar book of Catholic conjure on working with the Sacred Heart of Jesus? You can still get the June Saint of the Month Box, which will come with my new booklet on the Sacred Heart.
Ss. Cosmas and Damian Healing Service begins July 1st
altar work community altar work healing health lwa miracles patron saints saints spiritual cleansing spiritual healing uncrossing working with saints

Have a vigil light fixed, blessed, dressed, and set on my altar for Saints Cosmas and Damian for petitions related to health and healing, both physical and spiritual, casting off evil, removal of crossed conditions, and protection from plague and other illness. Cosmas and Damian were twin brothers who were practicing physicians in the 3rd century and treated their patients at no charge, hence their title of “unmercenary” or “silverless.” They have different feast days within different churches and denominations, and in the Orthodox church, in fact, there are considered to be three distinct sets of saints named Cosmas and...
Keys & Crossroads: Feast of St. Peter Road Opening Service
altar art community altar work crossroads legba lwa patron saints road opening saint peter saints working with saints

Have a light fixed, blessed, dressed, and set on my altar with your petition or prayer and worked in your name or the name of a loved one, in a community altar and prayer service beginning on June 29th, the feast day of St. Peter. St. Peter was appointed by Christ as the first pope of the church, and the keys signify his authority as its first prelate and the authority of the church to bind and loose — basically to open and close the gates of heaven. This is essentially what gives the church the authority to administer the sacrament of reconciliation...
Pecan Cream Cheese Pound Cake: When St. Expedite Wants a Little Better Than Sara Lee
family recipe hoodoo education offerings patron saints recipe rootwork education saint of the month saint of the month box saints southern culture st. expedite working with saints

Tradition has it that St. Expedite loves his Sara Lee pound cake. Some devotees will even say he prefers it to homemade pound cake. I don’t know about all that. But I do know a few things. One, you should try to be as specific as possible when working with St. Expedite. Two, you should give him your agreed-upon offerings when you see specific movement congruent with your petition. You can’t always get *everything* you want all the time in a hurry – recognize that he did work for you and acknowledge what he was able to do. He’s not...
Angry Angels and Saints Who Smite
angels archangels gerald of wales miracles punitive miracles saints st. expedite st. george st. michael working with saints

Dusting off this article from 2013 because someone asked about St. Michael and punitive miracles. *** I’m posting this as a blog entry 1. because I can’t seem to comment on Cat’s blog (maybe she turned off comments or my browser is jacked up), and 2. I don’t want to take over her blog with my rambling anyway. Anyway, this is in response to her blog post here. I just want to chime in on the “saints punishing you” thing (if you read this whole thing, you’ll see that I am not disagreeing with her – I’m just elaborating). People tend...