News — client education
on breakup work; frequently asked questions

See this post in original context at main blog here. This post is part of the Rootwork Education series that I used to maintain on livejournal and am now updating and keeping here on WordPress. Work in progress.Q: A client asks why I won’t often do breakup cases, and why I require a consultation before considering work like that.A: In and of itself, I don’t have a moral problem with simply the fact that the couple is married or that a client is having a relationship with a married woman or man. The issue of breaking up couples, particularly married...
questions you’ve asked + most folks should just stop using the word “karma,” period
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Reminder: this is a mirror site for the blog. The actual blog with ongoing comments, archives, etc. is at until I figure out how migrate it to the domain I'm paying for and not using, sigh... here's this post. Aaaand here we go again, folks. Some of this is part retread, but since the two-blogs thing is confusing AF and I probably need to edit and consolidate comments on the Big Lucky Hoodoo blogs (plural) and then just post the edited updates here as new posts… I guess I might as well just answer some of these again lol...