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Just a friendly reminder/recap…

about etiquette FAQs psa

Just a friendly reminder/recap of info outlined in the FAQ, the contact page, and the order confirmation email you get when you check out :)


I’m happy to talk with folks generally about goods, services, custom work, ideas, ingredients, high weirdness, all kinds of things, pretty much wherever you catch me. But once you’ve placed an order or booked a service, I need you to follow the directions, please :)


Social media/Discord/Messenger etc. is not a VIP line to customer service. If Sonia or I need to look something up in the database in order to answer your question or you’re asking about something that involves some kind of transaction or update, then that is not a matter for social media. That is a matter you need to send in an email about so the ticket can be logged, the matter can be tracked, and the action can be taken by the appropriate person, who might not be the person you’re trying to DM.
The instructions and workflows exist for a number of really, really good reasons, promise!
Please see your order confirmation email and/or the FAQ for more info.
K, thanks, love y’all, bye!

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