News — hoodoo education
Quote of the Day
client education hoodoo education rootwork education
Don’t be a spiritual fuckboi. Chiron Armand
not-BS spotted on tumblr: lab-grown gems with a side rant on so-called “closed practices”
hoodoo education rants rootwork education

I have an entire category on this blog for “BS spotted on Pinterest,” under which I also post BS spotted on tumblr, Instagram, Facebook, etc.Tumblr has lots of BS. I’m especially (not) fond of the posts about hoodoo that copy/paste or screenshot or quote a portion of a book and then close with stuff like, “remember, kids, if you weren’t born into this culture/aren’t the right race or ethnicity/are trying to be a convert/whatever, it’s appropriation: Do Not Touch because it’s a closed practice” and similar such BS bits of racist, essentialist, historically ignorant, anthropologically blind, genealogically clueless posturing, gatekeeping,...
Foraging for Beautyberry
beautyberry hoodoo education hoodoo tricks plants rootwork rootwork education
On karma, crossed conditions, and remediation
buddhism hoodoo education karma remediation rootwork education
On karma, crossed conditions, and remediation This is a slightly edited version of a reply to a client in a convo that touched on uncrossing work and the concept of karma. It is necessarily a vast oversimplification, but it is probably more easily accessible and definitely less of a rant than other things I have written about karma here or on Big Lucky Hoodoo. This is coming to you from a rootworker *and* from a woman who was given the name Karma at birth lol… so despite the fact that hoodoo has no conception of karma at all, being a folk magic practice...
Review of my new St. Expedite booklet
altar work booklet downloads folk saints hoodoo hoodoo education hoodoo tricks saint expedite

Well, I am super happy to be getting feedback from both experienced practitioners and folks who are new to working with the saints, saying that they found useful and/or interesting stuff in my new St. Expedite booklet. Thanks, creepmouse! I know I didn’t do a perfect job of explaining things to an audience new to working with saints, and I’m already aware of a couple of gaps I could fill in a second printing (or just a second booklet, possibly, since this one is pushing the envelope on “pamphlet” at 24 pages long). But I set out to contribute some...