News — hoodoo education
Pecan Cream Cheese Pound Cake: When St. Expedite Wants a Little Better Than Sara Lee
family recipe hoodoo education offerings patron saints recipe rootwork education saint of the month saint of the month box saints southern culture st. expedite working with saints

Tradition has it that St. Expedite loves his Sara Lee pound cake. Some devotees will even say he prefers it to homemade pound cake. I don’t know about all that. But I do know a few things. One, you should try to be as specific as possible when working with St. Expedite. Two, you should give him your agreed-upon offerings when you see specific movement congruent with your petition. You can’t always get *everything* you want all the time in a hurry – recognize that he did work for you and acknowledge what he was able to do. He’s not...
Cut-up Technique with Carolina Dean
conjure hoodoo hoodoo education hoodoo history hoodoo petition hoodoo theory hoodoo tricks petition spell work

This is a petition paper crafted by Carolina Dean using the cut-up technique that I’ve been meaning to bring y’all’s attention to. He’s done quite a few of them but this is the one that caught my attention at first and prompted me to ask if I could quote and use it as an example. I love this so much, as a rootworker and as a former literature professor. I think the technique is really powerful on a number of levels. Of course it’s a petition/prayer and depending on how you structure it, an affirmation. And the construction of a...
on love binding spells (just gonna leave this here)
client education hoodoo education love love binding love spells reconciliation return a lover
Just stumbled upon The AfroMystic's article "4 Reasons Why 'Binding' a Lover to Yourself is Not Smart." I'm glad she wrote this. Now I don't have to. But it needs to be said. Out loud. Regularly. Now I know not everybody sees eye-to-eye on all the finer points and nuances of potential situations where things like Binding and Intranquility and such get brought up a lot. I don't necessarily see eye-to-eye with all of my colleagues about every single nuance of this stuff and vice versa. And I absolutely allow that not everybody from every culture, society, or country has...