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Laying Foundations: New Moon in Taurus Service (May 7-11 2024)

This New Moon is in Taurus, and it has a lot of company for the first half of May. The New Moon forms a stellium (a conjunction but with extra guests) with Venus, Jupiter, and Uranus, activating the energy from the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction at a more personal level (especially if we have significant natal chart placements around 22* of Taurus). 

I've seen people refer to this as "conflicting energies" since Taurus likes things to be stable, Uranus likes to shake things up, and Venus doesn't mind some thrills but values personal freedom highly in this mix. But this New Moon is also sextile Saturn in Pisces, and Mercury is conjunct Chiron. So if we step back a bit, we can see that what we've got here is a fantastic little celestial window in which we can recalibrate our relationships with ourselves, get some insight into our attitudes towards abundance and prosperity, and align our energies with our fundamental values. We can gain clarity or greater depth of understanding about what we're doing here, process and integrate the lessons we've learned to get where we are, reinvest in ourselves, and start laying strong, lasting foundations for long-term building - because Saturn doesn't play around with any Tinker Toy daydreaming business. This is for the long haul.

The potential for increased awareness and insight now can be transformative. What we couldn't quite see clearly before can click. We can pursue our paths while rising above the trap of "busy-ness" or judging ourselves according to ill-fitting external standards. We can respect our own pace and process. 

By the time the full moon in Sagittarius rolls around on the 23rd (ruled by an expansive Jupiter conjunct Venus and sextile Neptune), Mercury will have recovered from its retrograde and Chiron conjunction, Mars conjunct North Node will be showing us possibilities for how to take action towards tangible results, and the Sun conjunct Jupiter will have opened some windows and let some light in. All of this results in a full moon that is excellent for manifestation, inspiration, adventure, and communication with lasting impact. 

What you sow this month you will reap. So even if you can't participate in formal rituals or ceremonies, even if much of your time is taken up by the requirements of day-to-day living, prioritize taking at least a few minutes every day to get in touch with yourself, remember that you are made of star stuff, and take at least some small action in alignment with your values and in support of your sense of authenticity. And your homework, due by the full moon, is to reach out somehow, in some way, and make a connection with someone or something in alignment with the direction you want to go. Go to a party, network, join a supportive forum, contact a potential mentor, identify a positive role model - at the very least, visit a different grocery store or talk to the gas station attendant. Open doors. Take action that signals your intentions. Participate. Invest in your vision. Send out what you want to get back.

So what's this service for?

Petitions for the New Moon service might be related to:

  • inviting clarity and being open to fresh inspiration
  • self-acceptance, compassion, and forgiveness
  • new insight into approaching longstanding blockages
  • reconnecting with your passions
  • honoring your authentic self, especially in the face of arbitrary standards or social pressure
  • seeing the opportunities in challenges
  • setting healthy boundaries and washing off the guilt
  • finding ways to align your life more closely with your fundamental values
  • prioritizing time to pursue your passions
  • overcoming limiting mental habits and emotional loops
  • revitalizing your relationships (with a person, a job, a goal, an activity)
  • self-expression
  • spiritual growth
  • independence and autonomy

    Work will begin and lights will be set the night of Tuesday, May 7th. There is definitely wiggle room and you can book late if you still see slots open. The energies kicking around here are not just of a certain moment - it's a special month.

    Learn more or book now.

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