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News — catholicism

From Thelema to Santa Muerte (and round one vs. the academic myth of the “Anglo-American occult audience”)

anthropology of religion catholicism conjureman ali cultural criticism folk catholicism fredrik gregorius hadean press hoodoo latin american culture literary criticism llewellyn manon hedenborg white paganism rootwork santa muerte santisima muerte witchcraft world religions and spirituality project

From Thelema to Santa Muerte (and round one vs. the academic myth of the “Anglo-American occult audience”)

Reminder: this site reposts selections from the main blog. For the most up to date and complete news, follow the main blog instead.  From World Religions and Spirituality Project, here’s an interview with Manon Hedenborg White, author of The Eloquent Blood: The Goddess Babalon and the Construction of Femininities in Western Esotericism (Oxford University Press, 2020) and co-author with Fredrik Gregorius of “The Scythe and the Pentagram: Santa Muerte from Folk Catholicism to Occultism” (Religions 8:1, 2017). I think a few different segments of folks who wander by here might find this worth a look. I had originally intended to stop this blog post at the...

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When Angels Are Saints and Saints Are Angels

ancestors angelology angels canonization catholicism communion of saints cosmology folk catholicism folk religion hoodoo theory intercession of saints mystical body of church ontology purgatory religion saints st. michael st. thomas aquinas theology

I very frequently see folks online say things like this: “Though technically speaking Archangel Michael is not a Saint [sic], sometimes this entity is venerated as one.” I’m not linking to the source for that because my goal is not to single anyone out for being wrong. Thing is, this is not an uncommon misperception. It’s pretty easy to find multiple websites and blogs that say something to this effect – even those of folks who are otherwise pretty well-versed in folk religion and/or folk magic. If this were just a couple of blogs and not a pretty widespread point...

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questions you’ve asked + most folks should just stop using the word “karma,” period

buddhism catholicism charlatans chicken feet client education customer info FAQs gumbo hinduism ignorant AF karma mix and match bs neopaganism paramahansa yogananda product news religious appropriation self realization fellowship spiritual supplies spirituals

Reminder: this is a mirror site for the blog. The actual blog with ongoing comments, archives, etc. is at until I figure out how migrate it to the domain I'm paying for and not using, sigh... here's this post. Aaaand here we go again, folks. Some of this is part retread, but since the two-blogs thing is confusing AF and I probably need to edit and consolidate comments on the Big Lucky Hoodoo blogs (plural) and then just post the edited updates here as new posts… I guess I might as well just answer some of these again lol...

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