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News — blessing

Brutal review of Coffee at Midnight

balm of gilead biblical oils blessing coffee at midnight mailing list news preschoolers are philistines queen esther reviews and testimonials song of solomon

Some of y’all testers and critics are really mean! Coffee at Midnight smells like coffee, for real, because it contains coffee oil, cold pressed from the seeds of Coffea arabica L. I source the best ingredients I can manage for this formula, and they’re expensive. But some of you are not impressed. One reviewer’s verdict: “Smells like pumpkin seeds covered in raccoon poop.” – Jane, age 4 Get a real job, Jane. (I’m just kidding, sweetie. You’re good. And I’d probably be worried about you if you did like coffee at the age of four  ) Fortunately, most adults who appreciate both coffee and...

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New Zodiac Series Oils

astrology blessing healing new product news spiritual oils spiritual supplies

Zodiac Series Oils at Seraphin Station. Also new (in the sense that I just now got around to listing them): Boss Fix , Exodus Oil, More Than Conquerors Oil, All Saints, Chrysalis, Healing.

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services and stuff update, N.B. 2015 folks

2015 reparations altar work blessing cleansing consultations customer info florida water karma zain clients & customers peace water preservatives product news services spiritual supplies

Oils and Other Formulas I’ve been able to order some essential oils and herbs and they should be getting here any minute now. So I’m getting pretty close to being good to go on a full range of regular condition/dressing oil formulas. Same with common bath/floorwash crystal mixtures, and this will enable me to make a decent range of mojo bags and pakets, too. It’ll probably be a minute before I’ll be able to have a dozen of every type of whole root in my cabinets ready to go on a moment’s notice — who knew it then, but those...

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