Tarot Reading: At the Crossroads - Email
Established customers/clients in good standing only, please. See Readings & Consultations page for more info on this.
The reading I call "The Usual" covers the overwhelming majority of common queries quite well. I mention in its description, though, that it might not do if you want a year-ahead reading or a look at what would unfold if you took path A vs B vs C vs D.
Well, if you're at a crossroads and have difficult choices to make, this is the reading for that kind of thing.
If you're trying to choose between multiple options, like several job offers or several dating/relationship prospects or several university acceptances, this reading will examine each potential path individually to help you make a decision.
(If you only have a two-option decision in front of you, an either/or or A vs. B type of thing, this reading might be overkill and "The Usual" will probably do the job just fine. By "multiple options" here, I mean three or more.)
You need to outline all the major possible paths or options at the start, as that determines how I actually structure the layout itself. This won't be the kind of thing where you just rattle off questions as they occur to you - the way you frame the issue informs the layout I design to respond to it.
That doesn't mean you can't ask questions after you get your reading if you need more clarification - I'm just trying to emphasize that you need to give me the big picture at the very beginning and don't throw new information at me only after I've done your layout and typed up your reading. That's not how you get a good reading :)
No Fortune-Telling Crap
I don't do "what is the name of my future husband and when will we meet" stuff. Those aren't useful or practical avenues of inquiry. I focus on what you can learn or do to better enjoy your life and/or change your life for the better, so I focus on readings that leave you empowered and with a solid sense of some options. I don't see the point of having a reading that's a thirty-minute session of wish-fulfillment/fantasy role playing, and I don't do carnival cold-reading fortune-telling crap because it's a waste of you time and money.
If you want somebody to tell you your dog's name or what you're wearing, we'll probably both be happier if you go to someone else. But if you want a thoughtful, insightful reading and are willing to participate in the reading, then contact me -- I have a great deal of experience helping folks see and tackle useless or harmful patterns of behavior, and identify and capitalize on positive patterns and energies.
I don't do mumbo-jumbo and fluffy teddy bears and fortune-cookie readings - I do practical, down-to-earth readings that leave you with a clearer picture of your situation and options and empower you to make better decisions for your success and well-being. I'm not cruel, but I'm blunt when I need to be, so if you're prone to "shoot the messenger" mode if you don't hear what you're hoping to hear, maybe take a little time to think about what you're wanting and what role you're needing a reader to play before you decide who to book a reading with. I'm not the reader for everybody, and that's ok. I just want to make sure you know what you're signing up for so you're satisfied and there are no surprises :)
Limits of Scope
You frame the issue or situation you'd like to explore; I choose the best layout to explore it, and those are the cards I lay and what I'm looking at and talking about in my reply. So the reading is bounded by the issue you present at the start (and the layout I choose) rather than by time, as it would be for a live appointment. If your reading raises a new question or avenue of inquiry, you'll probably need to book a followup if you want to pursue that as well.
One concern, question, or issue per session. If you have more than one issue or topic, like love life and career, you need more than one reading.
Feel free to write first if you aren't sure about how to frame your question or what is reasonable in terms of timeframes.
The followup option is only for clients who have had a full/regular reading and want to revisit the same topic/issue. You can't book the followup as your first reading.
After You Book
When you check out, you will receive an automated confirmation that lets you know your order has been received. It will have an order number like "S1225."
Once you've gotten that email and order number, fill out and submit the new reading intake form here. If I have further questions, I'll contact you and ask them. Otherwise, you'll hear from me when it's your turn in the queue.
Waiting Times and Queues for Services
Email readings are done on a first-come, first-served basis. You are reserving a spot in line. I cannot tell you what date your reading will be delivered on because I don't know yet. It depends on what's ahead of you in the queue, among other things, and there's nearly always some back-and-forth involved.
The turnaround time generally ranges from 1-3 weeks. Turnaround times are estimates only. Sometimes the queue is shorter or longer. Sometimes a reading takes more or less time than usual. You can get a general idea of where you are in line at the current services queue at Big Lucky Hoodoo, and that's where I'll post an update if any issues affecting turnaround time come up, like a hurricane or my ISP gunning for Crappiest ISP in North America. If you must have your reading completed by a certain date, do not book this service without contacting me first to be sure I can meet your needs.
Readings are a spiritual service and divination is an art. You are paying for the cost of my time, effort, and energy, so all bookings are final once I have begun work on your case and no refunds can be processed. This includes my reading a long email and taking notes on the information, and it includes the creation and preparation of your client file with birthchart/name/astrological info and case history for the involved parties, which may be prepared well in advance of my finishing your typed report.
If you want to cancel and work has not begun, I'll cheerfully process a refund, but you need to request it and I need to initiate it on this end. Chargebacks are considered theft and will be reported and handled as outlined in the TOS.
By booking this service, you are signifying that you have read, understood, and accept the Terms of Service, especially those emphasized in the Client Agreement re. start and end dates, communication limits, cancellations and refunds, and client privacy guarantees.