Cartomancy Reading - Quick Checkup, Email
I usually use playing cards or loteria cards for these, though I've been known to also throw a few dice or bones to elaborate on or confirm something. I'm going to choose the tool that makes sense to me for the job, but if you have your heart absolutely set on my working a certain way, let's talk about that before you book, ok?
This cartomancy service is a good fit if you have a fairly specific question or situation and would like a fairly specific response or guidance. This won't give you a long 3D look at a situation from multiple angles; rather, these are best when you need a quick look into one or two areas, or a clearer look at one particular area or facet of an issue. These are usually along the lines of, and about the scope of, 3-card layouts, such as "past-present-future" or "path A-path B-Advice" or "you-the other-near future," for instance.
They are quite informative for many situations or queries, and are good for checkups and followup check-ins. They tend to be quite pragmatic and plain-spoken and not get into the weeds on psychological or spiritual details as much as Tarot will. So they might be a bit inadequate for queries where you want a look at your relationship dynamic, at someone's complex motivations, at how multiple possible paths could unfold in the nearer to longer-term future when you're faced with a choice, stuff like that - for that sort of thing you'd likely be better booking a full reading. But you could also get a quick look first and then, if you decided any particular facet needed further inquiry or detail, you could book a followup on that facet - sometimes a mini reading gives you all you need for the time being (and I've had more than a couple of clients tell me that my mini readings are more detailed than they are accustomed to getting in regular readings from some other readers).
You might book this service if
- you're wondering whether or not to throw rootwork at a situation or let it play out
- you want to take the temperature of things in a new business endeavor or partnership
- you want a check on someone else's motivations
Limits of Scope
One concern, question, working, or issue per session. If you have questions about work and love, you need more than one reading. (You can add a second question or issue for the same session at a slightly reduced rate - just choose the "two issues" option.)
These are quick checkups. Unlike with regular, standalone, full-length Tarot readings, you usually *can* get some pretty specific timing info out of these, but it's a matter of how you frame the question. It doesn't always work too well to just ask "when will this happen," but it usually works pretty well to specify from the outset that you want to know how things will develop over the next month or six months or whatever you choose.
Do not try to squeeze a year-ahead forecast out of this, though, with a bunch of stopping points on a long timeline (like "what's it like now, but also in one month, and also in six months, and will his mother ever trust me?" etc. It won't work, plus I'll be annoyed. Feel free to write first if you aren't sure about how to frame your question or what is reasonable in terms of timeframes.
After You Book
When you book your service, you will receive an automated confirmation that lets you know your order has been received. It will have an order number like "S1225."
Once you've gotten that email and order number, fill out and submit the new reading intake form here.
Waiting Times and Queues for Services
Email readings are done on a first-come, first-served basis. You are reserving a spot in line. I cannot tell you what date your reading will be delivered on because I don't know yet. It depends on what's ahead of you in the queue, among other things, and there's nearly always some back-and-forth involved in every reading and how long that goes on will also vary.
The turnaround time generally ranges from 1-3 weeks. Turnaround times are estimates only. Sometimes the queue is shorter or longer. You are encouraged to ask about the current queue before booking if you're in a hurry. You can also check my rootwork blog, Big Lucky Hoodoo, for the current services queue.
Readings are a spiritual service and divination is an art. You are paying for the cost of my time, effort, and energy, so all bookings are final once I have begun work on your case and no refunds can be processed. This includes my reading a long email and taking notes on the information, and it includes the creation and preparation of your client file with birthchart/name/astrological info and case history for the involved parties, which may be prepared well in advance of my finishing your typed report.
If you want to cancel and work has not begun, I'll cheerfully process a refund, but you need to request it and I need to initiate it on this end. Chargebacks are considered theft and will be reported and handled as outlined in the TOS.
I reserve the right to refuse service and refund purchase price at my sole discretion. To get an idea for why I might do such a thing, see Common Types of Altar Work.