Laundry Bluing Tablet + 2 Spiritual Bath Recipes
Laundry bluing products like Penguin Blue, Mrs. Stewart's, and Reckitt's Crown Blue have been used for over a century in old-school formulas as a nontoxic substitute for the even older-school ingredient called bluestone. Bluestone is copper sulfate, an agricultural chemical that is also bright blue but incredibly toxic and you absolutely do not want to bathe in it.
Bluing is called for in "recipes" for everything from mojo hands for gambling, luck, and protection, to mixtures to bring back a lover or keep them from leaving in the first place, to formulas for keeping away enemies or driving them away if they're already around, to "tonics" for expelling live things in you, to spiritual baths for success, luck, and protection.
It's at the heart of the famous hoodoo "blue baths" and in my own Blue Bath and Blue Water room spray formulas, which I use myself *regularly,* both professionally in working for clients and in my own personal- and home-maintenance work. I seriously would not be without it and so I always have it on hand. It never occurred to me to offer it for sale as an individual ingredient until I saw what it was going for on Amazon recently, which was ridiculous. So if you can't get it locally from a chain store that absorbs those crazy shipping costs for you, you can maybe at least avoid the Amazon price gouging if you just need a few squares (and a few squares lasts most folks quite a good while - you can easily break these into quarters by hand, and I can't think of too many situations or recipes where a quarter of a tablet is not enough).
Each individually wrapped tablet weighs 1/2 oz.
Comes with two recipes for simple but powerful spiritual baths you can make at home.
USAGE: If you're unfamiliar with spiritual bathing and cleansing in the hoodoo tradition, instructions and tips are available through the Education link up top.
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