Balm of Gilead Oil
This is a multipurpose biblical anointing and dressing oil used to soothe mental and interpersonal trouble and tension, reconcile estranged friends and lovers, and heal body, mind, and spirit. You can think of it as a spiritual anti-inflammatory (it cools things down), antimicrobial (it kills little pesky things that trouble and sicken the spirit and relationships), and analgesic (calms the pain).
Some of my customers have said just opening the bottle and experiencing the incredible scent of Balm-of-Gilead-infused oil calms them down and brings a smile to their faces, so it's a great ingredient for any anti-anxiety or peaceful home work.
I'm describing *spiritual* effects here, just to emphasize. This is not a medicine, is not to be taken internally, and is not a substitute for traditional medical care by a licensed physician, which I am not.
This particular blend is made in a four-ounce batch in a mother bottle chock full of Balm of Gilead buds. I cover them with a high-quality blend of olive and other oils, adding a few other rare and precious essential oils distilled from herbs and resins that have been prized since biblical times for their spiritual qualities and importance in perfumery. After about two months, the oil has absorbed the fascinating and complex scent of these buds and is ready to spread its wings and fly. I decant each bottle as it's ordered with appropriate prayers and blessings (so feel free to give me a sentence or two statement of petition or prayer when you check out if you'd like me to include anything specific in those blessings).
The scent is amazing, if you've never smelled it. It's sweet, but it's not cloying. It reminds me of vanilla without smelling like vanilla, if that makes any sense - it's warm and comforting. It smells like good things, and I daresay you'd have to work pretty hard at holding on to anger with this scent floating in the air. If you do any kind of peace work, forgiveness or reconciliation work, anti-anxiety work, or spiritual healing work, you need this oil in your spiritual toolbox.
While this is not really a traditional conjure formula - it's my own recipe developed from my own studies and work -- it does not use herbal or mineral correspondences that conflict with those of traditional hoodoo. All of the ingredients here would make sense to any traditional rootworker, so you're not going to end up with an incoherent melange of ingredients and influences if you use this oil alongside a hoodoo formula like Reconciliation or Peaceful Home. It plays well with others :)