Hot Foot Powder in Black Hen Egg
Hot Foot powder is among the oldest rootwork recipes there are, long predating the era of mail-order catalogs and perfumed oils and things with cute names - long predating bottled oils at all, in fact. It's about as raw and old-school as it gets.
Comes inside an eggshell from an egg laid by one of my black hens. It's been hollowed out, painted with sealant inside and out for durability in shipping/handling, and filled half-full of Hot Foot powder. The hole will be covered with tissue paper. When you're ready to use it, add your personal concerns/petition papers, seal it back up with tissue or wax, and deploy it according to whatever you're trying to work.
Comes with a hardcopy sheet of traditional uses to give you some ideas. These are not instructions per se since there are lots of different ways to use things like this depending on the circumstances and environment. I presume that if you're ordering something like this, you already know what it does and what to do with it. If you do not -- if you are totally new to the materials and methods used in Hot Foot work in the hoodoo tradition -- I suggest you do a little reading before you actually do this working. I've got some info and some suggestions for more good learning resources at the blog. See the Education page above.
Let me just head this one off at the pass: when workings call for "a black hen's egg," the egg is not black. The hen is black. Black hens don't lay black eggs any more than brown cows give brown milk. All of my black hens lay eggs in varying shades of brown.
There are probably as many Hot Foot recipes as there are rootworkers, but they all contain ingredients intended to make a target leave their place of residence or where they're staying or working, even move out of the area entirely. This is accomplished by various irritating and agitating influences that might bring more or less misery to the target as they're working, depending on the recipe, the intent of the worker, and the mode of deployment.
My Hot Foot formula includes various powdered insect bits and peppers, among other things, so wash your hands after using it and don't get it near children, pets, your eyes, nose, mouth, or anybody who isn't your target. If you are especially sensitive and/or have allergies or asthma, you should probably just wear a dust mask when you handle this so there's no risk of you inhaling any fine airborne particles.
International Buyers: I do my best to package carefully, but overseas shipping puts a lot of wear and tear on a package. I don't recommend you purchase this item to have it shipped outside the U.S. You do so at your own risk.
handling times start at five business days minimum for all items (excludes weekends and holidays)
posted handling times are estimates, not guarantees, and will vary depending on order size and amount of customization involved
all sales are final; we do not accept returns
any refunds must be initiated by us; chargebacks are considered theft
we will send a notification email when we purchase your shipping label for your packaged order, so when it's ready to ship, you know as soon as we know
we are not able to provide updates during order processing beyond this notification
any unusual issues affecting handling times will be announced on our website and social media channels
we don't send instructions for anything that doesn't say it comes with instructions, but there's lots of info at the blog